New XBOX One

holy shit.
I must confess, I didn't watch the whole conference through, cause I couldn't
stand the BS talk, and skipped through it rather quickly at some I missed some of the "news", that they seemed to definitely have confirmed now.

Watching his video is like seeing most of the ranting I would have to do, if I actually still gave a fuck about this kind of shit.
No nextgen xbox for me then.
Apart from the exclusive titles it doesn't matter anyway, since 360 games aren't playable.

Yeah, same here. I've continually defended Microsoft over the past few years....... but, now, even I have to admit that Microsoft is just out of touch with their users. They take warnings way too lightly. They don't listen to their users until it becomes this huge uproar of criticism/complaints. Just look at Windows 8 and how they are bringing the start menu back at the end of this year with the 8.1 update.

They fail to bring people what they really want time after time after time... and now even the people who supported them are losing hope.
Not really, it depends on your preferences. I enjoy plot and character driven action & adventure games and the consoles have a lot more of those than PCs. The majority of PC games are Strategy, FPS, MMO/RPG, Sports etc. However, I love the PC Point n Click adventure games like the Monkey Island, Broken Sword, Diablo and Runaway series.

Dude now is not 1996.... pc gaming has evolved a lot (maybe devolved sometimes)
Now Pc has a lot to offer...
You should check out a lot of cool games: from adventures to rpgs, action, drive, simulation, strategy and so on.
This platform is the best IMHO because has everything!
Here's some side by side specs, on paper the Playstation is much better spec wise, plus all the useless tv shit is for the US only, so for the rest of the world you get a less powerful games box with none of the tv features Microsoft was so proud of. Pretty lame so far.

@blue_fAng: haha yeah, saw that when it was posted in here!

Yeah, same here. I've continually defended Microsoft over the past few years....... but, now, even I have to admit that Microsoft is just out of touch with their users. They take warnings way too lightly. They don't listen to their users until it becomes this huge uproar of criticism/complaints. Just look at Windows 8 and how they are bringing the start menu back at the end of this year with the 8.1 update.

They fail to bring people what they really want time after time after time... and now even the people who supported them are losing hope.

Seems that they really want to lose ground on this.
But I think not nearly enough people will do the right thing and refuse to be
anal-raped by microsoft on this one. Enough will bend over and just take it.

I haven't looked too much into the PS4, but if that also has a lot of registration/always on/accounting binding/no resell BSery, then the 360 was my last console, until they come up with something that doesn't suck ass.
If they start to do that with PC too, then I'm willing to send all big game companies go fuck themselves.

I'm ok with account binding on the ilok, cause that actually serves a useful purpose.

found this pretty funny:
i can't believe a company that amounts to nearly a hundred thousand employees comes up with a fucking stupid-ass horrible move like this.

i suppose it will be PS4 for me then. i actually had a PS3 for a while, and my biggest gripe was the controller... other than that, i felt much more at home with it than with my 360.
Apparently microsoft registered a patent a few months ago which is basically summed up like this :

"If the Kinnect detects more persons in a room than the license of a movie is for, the XBox one will ask for a fee". It would probably be problematic if you are more than a few persons, say if you have all your friends over (say 10) to watch a movie, you will have to pay more.

Doesn't mean it will be applied for real, but it means they are thinking about it at least a little.
"If the Kinnect detects more persons in a room than the license of a movie is for, the XBox one will ask for a fee". It would probably be problematic if you are more than a few persons, say if you have all your friends over (say 10) to watch a movie, you will have to pay more.

I don't think the patent is to be used anytime soon, patents are daily registered just in case someone has the idea to implement something similar in order to license it or to sue the company, but still, it's frightening this kind of patents are actually registered ! So the future is you can't lend a game or video to a friend, or invite them for a pizza party at home, without paying an additional fee for it !
It's also region free, includes a headset (and HDMI cable...finally), and the base model has a 500GB hard drive that is user replaceable.

Edit for some more info: PS4 Eye camera will be sold separately at a price of $59. Another controller will also be $59. For those overseas, the Xbox One seems that it won't be launching in Asia until sometime later in 2014.
Meanwhile at nintendo...megaman joins smash and wind waker gets an hd remake

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