New Years Eve


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
So, how was everyone doing? Me nothing special, I drunk lots of alcohol (beer, tequilla, rum, champagne...) stayed up till 5 am with my bro and his GF in the city centre, watched shitloads of pyro and drunk ppl and basically had fun. What I can't understand that there's a high percentage of my friends, who used to party hard on NYE, but yesterday they just "wanted to stay at home". When I was more persistent on them telling me why the fuck, their last sentence would be not that THEY wanted, but their girlfriends wanted so. It's like, I know it's an evening just like the others, but Jesus fucking Christ, this is fucking New Years Eve! Probably there are guys who have good time sitting all evening and night with their GFs, watching these stupid crap shows on TV (On NYE, it just cannot be crappier), but I don't really believe it. I personally don't have a GF right now but if I had and when I used to, I would take her downtown to have a fuckin' FUN at least.
Happy New Year All you crazy Anthrax Fans :-D. Mine was Strong Jell-o shot and keg drinking fun. Slight headache this morning but nothing some sex couldn't take care of ;) and it I was very happy to see that on the Anthrax website they added a link to the House of Blues pictures I sent in. I think I'm most happy to just see my name on the stoopid right ah who cares I luv'em I'll remain a dork my whole and still be loved
Have a great one all.
You may have noticed that your link isn't working.......

I think it's that server... really busy. It may work better later.
i watched a coverband at some club,i never plan to much for new years,there is too many dickheads in the city at the best of times let alone on new years lol

so did sydney set the standard for fireworks once again?
party till 8 in the morning!!!
@Johnnie, go the same problems over here, I can throw a party any day in the week and end up with 50 people but in NYE you alway's end up with a small group, some stay at home, others visit theire parents etc ....they bore the hell out of me!!!
gee we stayed at home while the baby slept, hubby had glen levitt, moi had slo gin and kroger sprite.......PAAAAAAAAAAARTAY.

MAYBE NEXt year.when your kids b-day is 5 days after xmas ur slightly broke.
Metal Maiden said:
She was referring to herself. And bRaT doesn't drink.

well now that clears it all up....glad its taken care of.

"dont call me stupid that's sensitive." baby joker or one of the other vatos.
bumpkins said:
well that was rude. maybe someone has a drinking problem.

what makes u think i was blaming my kid? why don't u go have another one?
You're out of line. I wasn't talking to you or even about you. I was talking about myself and my husband, in response to Johnnie and dutchy complaining about couples on New Year's. If I was talking to you, I would have quoted you.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
You're out of line. I wasn't talking to you or even about you. I was talking about myself and my husband, in response to Johnnie and dutchy complaining about couples on New Year's. If I was talking to you, I would have quoted you.

fair enough. that's pretty much what i said in the previous post.
bumpkins said:
well that was rude. maybe someone has a drinking problem.

what makes u think i was blaming my kid? why don't u go have another one?
leave us start over......hi my name is bumpkins and i'm a stay at home mom with no sense of humor and no drinking problem. my hobbies include changing dirty diapers and watching my kid bounce up and down to anthrax.

and u are...............?
bumpkins said:
leave us start over......hi my name is bumpkins and i'm a stay at home mom with no sense of humor and no drinking problem. my hobbies include changing dirty diapers and watching my kid bounce up and down to anthrax.

and u are...............?
Well, then, my name is bRaT, and I stay at home with my two kids who both rather enjoy Anthrax and making their mother crazy. My hobbies include laundry and picking toys off the floor so I can vaccuum, and I'm quite thankful that only one of them is still in diapers. And I haven't had a drink in four years, unless the wine at Mass counts.