Newest mix full band SWEET SHITTTT


Oct 26, 2009
Yo dudes. I've been working with a band called Come find the Lion. All of the drums are real, and I can prove it this time if you want haha.

Everything is real, real amps, real... ermm.. Vocals? hah

Just messing around with the mix, so let me know what you think this far!
... to be fair, he said it was REAL drums, but didn't say anything about them not being replaced.... they're obviously getting some help, but it doesn't sound half bad bro!
i kind'a like that pumping, it's like it's pumping ok but a bit too much maybe, i'd try a soft clipper on the master and less (to none) compression.

I don't actually own a clipper =( haha.. I've never found one that I like, but suggestions would be nice.

As for the auto tune- Yeah ha... I don't either. It's a pain in the ass sometime..
You know.. That pump was a question of mine at first, but then I grew to love it though.. I I have two master tracks running. One with a master comp and one with the waves API comp acting as a parallel comp (NYC method). Perhaps I'll turn the NYC track down a tad! This one is good enough, and it's free, if going for a commercial product i'd choose T-racks, i didn't ever use it but i've read marvels about the clipper, i'd take off the comp on the "other" master and (if the intention is "fullness") i'd turn it mono, maybe a bit eq where needed to lower some freq's (or completely get rid of) and put it really low on the "real" master, works marvels for me. This one is good enough, and it's free, if going for a commercial product i'd choose T-racks, i didn't ever use it but i've read marvels about the clipper, i'd take off the comp on the "other" master and (if the intention is "fullness") i'd turn it mono, maybe a bit eq where needed to lower some freq's (or completely get rid of) and put it really low on the "real" master, works marvels for me.

I'll have to check out T-racks.

I really don't like Gclip =(... Whenever the snare went through it, it lost all of its snap.