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I believe it's real drums - the cymbals are way worse sounding than the fake stuff he posted before, and that kick doesn't sound very good. Actually, the drums in general sound worse, but more real.
I believe it's real drums - the cymbals are way worse sounding than the fake stuff he posted before, and that kick doesn't sound very good. Actually, the drums in general sound worse, but more real.
They're not terrible, but the snare is really deep in the mix and needs to be more snappy/present/in your face. The kick is just flubby and kinda farty. Toms are inaudible, cymbals sound kinda woofy/metallic/not smooth.
Thank you dude! There are actually absolutely no effects applied to the toms, because he barely uses them. I figured if they like the general mix, then I will keep it and fix the toms for the final mix. And I think the kick will clean up once I turn the API down a little bit. It's almost half as loud as the other buss, which is a lot so I'll post something once I do that and get feedback from the band. I'm a little drunk, which doesn okay I'm a lot drunk.. This doesn't happen much but I like it when I'm typing on these keys hahahas;dlkj feels nice.
I'lll post some shieett later on. Peace
LAWL...Drunk posting Nick? hahaha. We should get together soon.
sorry i don't see a full drumkit, and the pics are too damn big, but you may know that, i'm not interested in you proving you have a drumkit or not, was just interested on seeing the setup, anyways...