
Aug 1, 2004
Espoo, Finland
We can now officially announce that Opeth has signed a worldwide contract with Roadrunner records. The rumours were true! The new album is set to be released sometime in the late August or early September of 2005.

Opeth has cancelled their Vienna/Austria Aerodromme festival appearance (May 27) due to the recording taking longer time than expected. We are very sorry for the fans who expected to see Opeth there, but we hope to return to Austria as soon as humanly possible!

The recording process is going well. One song is mixed and done, another one in the process of being mixed. Solos are being recorded as well as death screams. Some songtitles? "Ghost of perdition", "The baying of the hounds", "Isolation years" and "Harlequin forest" The record plan to be done by June 1.

Opeth are most likely to appear at Bergen/Norway´s Hole in the sky festival (August 24-27) as well as the semi legendary Summerbreeze (August 18-20) fest in Germany. We will confirm this as soon as it´s....confirmed!
Wait, I get it! This album will be a summary of all Opeth styles...

Harelquin forest = Orchid
Isolation Years = Damnation
The baying of the hounds = Deliverance
Ghost of perdition = Still Life

Hmm, perhaps The Baying of the Hounds would fit Morningrise better? I don't know, but still, good observation on that Saber Rider. Totally wouldn't be surprised if they featured a little of all their past styles in this album - now how cool would THAT be? To top it off, have NEW material to add to the style and you would have the PERFECT OPETH RECORD.

Honestly, I'm VERY impressed with these song titles. My favourites of the ones released is definitely "Harlequin Forest" - the title just oozes atmopshere out of it much like Forest of October did imo. The songtitles are superior to Delieverance and have high hopes this album will surpass that one.

Damn, I can't wait until they release the ALBUM'S title. DAMN, waiting for this album will pain me greatly, but it will be SO worth the wait. It's one of the TOP things I'm looking forward to this year - I just can't wait.

If only ONE tarck on this album has Mikael doing vocal scream in the same vein as was heard in MAYH (notably April Ethereal) then I can surely die in peace, hehe.
Sweet, another track title. Harlequin Forest is kinda cool.
Forest metal is the best type of metal associated with wooded areas.
BRI said:
Forest metal is the best type of metal associated with wooded areas.

Hey.. assuming you know any, could you give me some names of bands that you'd consider forest metal? Because that genre sounds sweet. I'm guessing it's like Orchid and Morningrise type of stuff, eh?
Torenstain said:
Ahhg, they're coming to Bergen, YES! But it's 18, I wonder if I'll get in.... Anyone know?
Security is usually pretty tight at these things,but good luck :)
Seems ill have to visit Bergen and Oslo during the late summer/early fall :loco:
And Harlequin forest is a cool title imo.