

Bottom Line
Sep 17, 2002
Nor Cal
So it has been a really long time since we had some news. As usual we are all really busy outside the band with work and family life. But all keep in touch with each other and continue to try and plan out more shows and find some time to write the rest of this next release.

As you all know by now Ted put togather a great solo album which was long overdue that is just great and continues to get a lot of attention. Check out the drums on this one he has two of the best kats around laying it down. Our own Sean Flanagan and the incredible Mr NDV.

The rest of us have a few side deals going including a more fusion based, instrumental jazz, funk, rock type deal that we just about had going until I suffered a torn bicep ( ouch) in August that required surgery and a long recovery period. I am back now and tearing it up again on the bass about 85% give or take. To be honest for me Sep,and October of 2007 I would like to just forget about! But things are just the opposite now and really going well, like great actually. So we are trying to get that happening again now.

More news on that soon. Also we will possibly have another all ages show finally in January sometime before or after the NAMM show in Anahiem. We had hoped for this in December but scheduling issues were tough.

Also for the fellow bassists in the Walnut Creek Concord area, I have some upcoming slap, snap and pop clinics coming in January and February inside and outside of Redhouse where I teach the bass. Most likely at Guitar Center in Concord and again at Redhouse in WC.

And as before mentioned, or planned we had hoped to get something enchanted out in 2007 but man what a year. The same with Xen.

I have not been in here as much as I would like but just wanted to check in and say thanks to all of you for the continued support and dedication.

Thanks so much Ed
Sounds like great news all around, including your recovery, but of course not including your injury in the first place!

I played "Blueprint of the World" for two friends over the past two days start-to-finish. They were quite impressed -- blown away actually! They'll be stoked to hear that there's a show in January being put together. I can't wait!

Thanks very much for the update, Ed. Don't be a stranger!
Thanks for the update, Ed. Torn bicep. Ouch. Hope your recovery went well. I give you guys a lot of credit for putting out the great music that you do. It must be very tough with families, full-time jobs, and everything else. We're patiently looking forward to the next album. :worship:
Hey Ed,

Thanks for the update! It truly is amazing how much life gets in the way sometimes.

Yes, he did! That singer of yours is one multi-talented pup! :worship:

I look forward to hearing your side projects as well as any new Enchant material that you put out.

Man, that sucks! OUCH!!!! I'd never heard of anyone doing that until a few months ago and now you are the 4th person I know to have gotten the same injury in the past few months. Glad that you are well on your way to recovery!

Man, what a tease! I'd love to come out there to see you guys play! I'll have to see how the finances are going because its a bit tighter right now. :-(

You ROCK dude! Have a great Thanksgiving! :headbang::kickass:
Hey Ed,

Any updates on the show in January? My GF found a GREAT deal on flights to SF so we will definitely be there as long as we know by next Friday when the offer expires.

Even if you don't have it confirmed by next week, could you at least PM me the possible date(s). We may just schedule the flight regardless. We've been wanting to visit the ZH kats for a while now -- my GF has been chatting with Mikey's wife about coming out so it won't be a wasted trip either way. However, if I can mix that with seeing you guys play that would be AWESOME!!!! :kickass::kickass::kickass:
Hey there Rick

Sorry nothing yet, this would be very low key and an under age show.

But we are all so incredibly busy this is a major deal just trying to get anything booked right now.

More soon.............I hope

Hey Ed,

Any updates on the show in January? My GF found a GREAT deal on flights to SF so we will definitely be there as long as we know by next Friday when the offer expires.

Even if you don't have it confirmed by next week, could you at least PM me the possible date(s). We may just schedule the flight regardless. We've been wanting to visit the ZH kats for a while now -- my GF has been chatting with Mikey's wife about coming out so it won't be a wasted trip either way. However, if I can mix that with seeing you guys play that would be AWESOME!!!! :kickass::kickass::kickass:
Hey there Rick

Sorry nothing yet, this would be very low key and an under age show.

But we are all so incredibly busy this is a major deal just trying to get anything booked right now.

More soon.............I hope
Hey Ed,

Thanks for the head's up. I thought I had replied to this last week, but I guess not. We were trying to buy tickets last week while crazy deal (2 for 1) was being offered, but I think we both forgot. :( I don't care how big or small the show is and I don't care if it is all-ages. I just want to see you guys play again. We are going to still try coming out there something early next year. Maybe we'll get lucky and it will coincide with a show.

Believe me, I understand! SO easy to let life get in the way when you have responsibilities like children, jobs, homes, bills, etc... I hope that you guys can work through the crap and make something happen.

I hope too! :headbang:
We tried to set something up for right around this time but the time factor did not allow it.

Just a lot going on, it is very difficult right now to make the time needed for a show but we are really trying to do this.

Thanks for asking. Ed

Hi Ed,

Just curious if there's any news about the show you all were talking about setting up possibly in January?
that's allright, we understand, as long as you don't plan anything the weekend of march 22nd and the 23rd as i will be on vacation celebrating my birthday :lol:
No problem, Ed -- we understand!! We have lives/families/jobs as well.

It's appropriate to quote our beloved Doug Ott from the 2006 "California gig?" thread:

. . . Here's the deal: Ted lives 2 hours north of where I live, Bill an hour south, Sean 40 minutes west and Ed's about 25 minutes away from me. To get together to rehearse for a gig has been quite challenging since Ted moved north, that being said, we are still very interested in putting a show together this year but we need to make it work for us logistically; Ted has two kids, Bill has two kids, Ed has a son and Sean getting married later this year so we are all busy and just can't drop all our responsibilities to play a show at a whim, like when we were in our 20's. A lot of planning has to go in to it to make it work. . . I appreciate everyone appetite to see the band live, really I do; hell, I probably miss it more than anyone! . . . Please be patient.

Last year's shows in Santa Clara and San Francisco are proof that you guys are definitely "willing" to make it happen and it's just a matter of finding the "able." I have faith and confidence that it will be found when the time is right.

So... How 'bout next week? :cool:

Last year's shows in Santa Clara and San Francisco are proof that you guys are definitely "willing" to make it happen and it's just a matter of finding the "able." I have faith and confidence that it will be found when the time is right.


Right on, Sharward!!

Thanks Ed, for keeping us posted!
Alrightee, it's been a couple months (plus), so it's time to bumpity-bump bump this thread.

Ed, what are the chances of our having the privilege of seeing you guys play in 2008?

Might we maybe see you in, oh, I dunno, late June or something? ;-)


We are talking about that right now. What we really need to do is find the time to get another disc out.

Alrightee, it's been a couple months (plus), so it's time to bumpity-bump bump this thread.

Ed, what are the chances of our having the privilege of seeing you guys play in 2008?

Might we maybe see you in, oh, I dunno, late June or something? ;-)
