Next SS Weekend?

I reformatted my computer since last SS weekend, so had to re-download SS. How do I find the room again?

  • Go to the room list and right-click
  • Add room UM Old School
  • Refresh the list
It was something like that, I don' t have SS in here now
Would be great if you could login! :) Yea soulseek and the port you are using has to be forwarded. Or or its no go.

Good luck with your dad! I'll be thinking about you.

Thanks Henri, it's been a BAD week. Here's a something I posted over at the Sym X forum detailing Sundays horrible events. I'm still VERY angry about it...My dad lost his leg about a month ago and then this: <c & p>

Better but not so great...Sunday was BAD. Since you asked, I will keep this as brief & factual as possible. I saw him last Saturday, he was having some kind of (hopefully) pain killer related dementia. Rough day for him and for me, I hate getting yelled at by crazy people without being able to yell back...
He had surgery just a couple weeks ago for a gangrenous intestinal blockage, and is having some digestive issues along with being weaned off some heavy duty meds. The surgery he had has brought him some incontinence. Early Sunday morning, he had an "issue" and basically was swimming in his own waste until 10:00am. He now has a nasty bed sore as well from this. My sister arrives at the hosp, and notices that they gave my dad a new wristband. It was a DNR band (do not resuscitate) which was meant for his roommate in the other bed. I call the hospital on Sunday, only to find that my dad's roommate had just died. The rest of the family heard his last gasps and everything. The roommate's family came in, they had some kind of bedside prayer (he was Serbian) and then they left, leaving the fucking body in the room with him, and the rest of my immediate family for over 30 minutes while my sister bitched about wtf was going on. They gave my sister a lot of 'tude. (she's been a nurse for over 30 years) Normal procedure is to remove the other patient, guests, or the deceased from the room to give them some privacy. Nope, they tagged him & bagged him while everybody else was still there. Quite the clusterfuck. They haven't heard the end of it yet, I imagine...
The worst part was the erroneous DNR band. Had my dad had some kind of heart attack, or stroke, they would have let him die. Whatever you do, don't get sick enough to be hospitalized. Seriously, anything more than an ER visit or outpatient surgery, take me out in a field and kill me. If you won't, I'll do it myself. I'm ready to revive the spirit of Richard Speck, and go apeshit nuclear ballistic on the nursing staff from his floor. There would have been a HUGE problem at the hospital had I been there Sunday instead of Saturday... Too many fucking SERIOUS mistakes made in too short of a time span....
So yeah, we need to get him the fuck outta there ASAP...
Hope your dad gets okay Dubya, seems like a real bad situation he's in now ...

I am working late shift this weekend, so when I return from work it's an ideal moment to log in, as you guys start to wake up than. Hopefully there's alot of people loggin' in now and than, it's seems like ages since I chatted with someone of the board (including Hawk, and he lives only a fart away ...) Ah, just been real busy lately, live seems like a speed train over here at the moment !!

edit; just had a look in our little room and 3 members online already !!
I'll be there tonight ~19:00 local (GMT-6) and tomorrow I hope.
TSO, you might be having problems because there's another user called "TSO" - try changing your SS name to something else and see if that helps.

Otherwise connect, then:
1. Right click on one of the rooms in the rooms list (ie. Indie)
2. Choose Create Room and Type in UM Old School
TSO, you might be having problems because there's another user called "TSO" - try changing your SS name to something else and see if that helps.

Otherwise connect, then:
1. Right click on one of the rooms in the rooms list (ie. Indie)
2. Choose Create Room and Type in UM Old School

Unfortunately, I'm having problems connecting AT ALL. And when I do, it kicks me off after a few minutes. The fact that being able to connect initially is a problem no matter what username I use eliminates that. Also, I've tried loading SS onto my laptop and I'm having the same issues. So it has something to do with the router or the modem. And neither of those have been changed since the last time SS worked well. I've also tried using the old 156 and the new 156c versions. No luck so far.

Looks like I won't get to participate this weekend. :erk:
Sorry I haven't been on chat that much this time...Damn houre differences and I was working late shift, so I missed most action of the US daytime.
If any of you log on toninght don't forget to get my "lost rock" samplers in my 70's folder. Full of unknown 70's hardrock stuff. Did put some time in it to make them, and alot of those bands are really good !!
From the new stuff I think Morglbl (for Vai fans) and Black Tide are most interesting !!

Anyone tried the new SS version already ?
Anyone tried the new SS version already ?

No I was afraid to screw up a working connection, I uploaded a ton of doom to you and zeppie downloaded Benedictum from me and I grab Hawaii first album from him so, but I couldn't see anyone elses files (except Hawk).

Got on briefly with my laptop tonight, chatted with Wyvern, but the issues persist.

Thanks for the brief chat though, Rolando! It was fun while it lasted.

Anytime, sorry it didn't work for you.
It was great, got to speak to Wyv,Delise,Nacro,PM, Hawk and some weird chick called Ginger.
I've dowloaded the new Manilla Road and Jon Oliva's Pain from Carnut, didn't even know that Manilla Road had an new album out.
It was great, got to speak to Wyv,Delise,Nacro,PM, Hawk and some weird chick called Ginger.
I've dowloaded the new Manilla Road and Jon Oliva's Pain from Carnut, didn't even know that Manilla Road had an new album out.

Hmmm did you not also download something from me? I seem to remember that. I was surprised that you had a fast connection. You probably got yourself a ADSL connection since the previous SS weekend.

And that ginger chick is mental. Tell her you like Rammstein and watch her explode. :lol:
And that ginger chick is mental. Tell her you like Rammstein and watch her explode. :lol:

Zeppie and PM74 opened the worm can, I couldn't give a proper distant early warning on time. I have her on my ignore list so even if she types I don't see a word :heh:
It was great being with the members. Hawk I couldn't see your files. Carnut and Zeppie were the only files I could see. I only got a few mp3s from carnut to sample. Thanks carnut for leaving your computer on! :)

Now I have 'her' on my ignor list too.
