Next Tranquillity album


Oct 14, 2005
Faculty of Science
[There's no SEARCH function, so don't slay me mercilessly if there have been threads like this in the past.]

Okay. I won't ask you guys what you think Tranquillity's next album will be like because i believe that's impossible to know, given that they do something different each album. Rather, i ask what you'd like DT's next album to be like and why.

Personally, i'd like it to be somewhat like "The gallery" in the sense of with more poetic lyrics, themes centered on one's feelings and inner demons rather than the world around us, a touch of magic and mythology, and the beauty of female vocals. I think that's the best they've done as an album (in the sense that maybe i like most songs on "Damage" better than most songs in "The gallery" but "The gallery" is a better album as a whole).

Your turn. =)
I think they should evolve on the way they're on right now. I love the last 2 albums a lot, as well as Haven and Projector. Female vocals would indeed be nice, always a good contrast to Mikael. But let's see, time will tell.

On a side node: there has been a link to an interview with Niklas somewhere on this forum where he talks about his (!) thoughts about the next album, but I can't find it without search... (or better: I'm too lazy now) ;)

EDIT: The second sentence is not supposed to express that I don't like the previous albums since The Mind's I was my first and I loved it these days - and still do!
i'd like to be surprised (not considering the "expect the unexpected", that is).

the one thing i can say i don't want is them going for a more primitive/simplistic "back to the metal roots" approach, but i really don't think that's too immense a threat...
well, not really, cause that's so unlikely it didn't even occur to me as a possibility. :)

i just mean overall. simply put, i guess what i'm trying to say is i hope the electronics won't lose any ground.
i think they should proceed on the path they've built with the last 2 albums.. IMHO, experimenting+looking to the past (which is what they did with "Character") is the perfect dt-style.. a sudden shift back to "The Gallery" i think would be a) impossibile (as more than 10 years are now gone) and b) repetitive (as no experimentation would be made, and dt without experimentation sounds a bit like pizza without mozzarella).

but, if not a sudden shift, it'd be nice if they took some elements from the oldest albums, such as female-vocals, clean-vocals, more introspective lyrics and, why not, longer instrumental parts (possibly long enough to make a whole song out of them).

what i also would appreciate is the dueling growling/screaming style.. i like the one on "character" more than the one on "damage done", as some parts are screamed, others growled.. i like duels between "high" screamed parts (the main model is "the sound of perseverance"'s chuck -> death) and deep growled ones (main models arkefeldt -> opeth).. let's hope mikael does not turn his voice into a desperation-screaming like strid's (soilwork), fridén's (new in flames), Viljanen's (mors-principium-est) and so on... i hate that..
ahahah :D ok.. :) anyway...let's hope the next album will maintain a good ratio between slow tracks (eg. "my negation", "am I 1?") and fast ones ("the new build", "through smudged lenses") to keep unique and not like most bands do (e.g. writing only fast or only slow songs, with no room for variation) :D
Nt3N: I didn’t mean actually going back to “The gallery”, i meant more like remembering female vocals and sounding a bit more romantic and a bit less technical or present-day-critical. Maybe “Character” with female vocals and a different lyric theme than “Character”’s theme? And, like you said, more instrumental parts would do a good job.

I like Friden’s voice in In Flames... but then they wouldn’t really work with Tranquillity.

And “My negation” is my favorite track on the album. =)
I'd like them to become more groovy and brutal, yet remain a highly intellectual band. A mixture of "The Mind's I" and "Damage Done", but in a completely new way (as far as I remember, some critics see Character as a blend of these 2 albums, I however don't).

A slow paced doomy album with much more keyboards would also do. I just really wish Stanne used the growl constituent of his unique growl-scream voice more :)