Next Tranquillity album

UndoControl said:
Nt3N: I didn’t mean actually going back to “The gallery”, i meant more like remembering female vocals and sounding a bit more romantic and a bit less technical or present-day-critical. Maybe “Character” with female vocals and a different lyric theme than “Character”’s theme? And, like you said, more instrumental parts would do a good job.

I like Friden’s voice in In Flames... but then they wouldn’t really work with Tranquillity.

And “My negation” is my favorite track on the album. =)

ok :) well that's a bit th same as what i said

I like Friden's OLD-STYLE vocals (from the beginning to Clayman), but I hate his new style of RTR and STYE, which is quite similar ti soilwork's, mors principium est's and so on.. :) i prefer good old growl-scream

my negation rules! :rock:

a touch of magic and mythology

Yea on the mythology as long as it doesn't get too cheesy. :p Any particular kind? Poetic lyrics: I think some similar to those found on Skydancer would be acceptable. And what do you mean by "magic"? Do you mean in some sort of geeky Power Metal, D&D/LOTR way? If so, then I would have give that a thumbs down, at least for dt anyway.

the beauty of female vocals

Nay on the femme vox. It's not that I think it's bad on the recordings. If they're willing to do it live that's another thing. I'm not a big fan of taped female vocal parts in the live setting. ;)


A mixture of "The Mind's I" and "Damage Done", but in a completely new way (as far as I remember, some critics see Character as a blend of these 2 albums, I however don't).

Interesting idea. I know I've read at least one interview with Stanne where he said this about Character:

I feel this is a combination of all that we’ve done before and takes it a little bit further. It takes all the stuff that we’ve been hinting at over the years and finally coming together.

Perhaps some of these critics you mention may not know the full dt story. ?? :)

(Linkiepoo to interview:
UndoControl said:
Personally, i'd like it to be somewhat like "The gallery" in the sense of with more poetic lyrics, themes centered on one's feelings and inner demons rather than the world around us, a touch of magic and mythology
yeah i agree,i think that The Gallery along with Mind's I have a special lyrics "path" that i find really unique.i mean you cannot tell what every lyrics is about, but at the same time they give strong sensations and emotions (hehehe,to me at least! :p ).

UndoControl said:
and the beauty of female vocals.
OMG nooooo!!!i don't like that's weird but when i first heard the album -1999- i was totally fond of the unexpected female voice on a musician i think it should be great but personally i don't like it anymore.
and btw i hope Mik won't sing with his clean voice!although he's my fave singer above all i don't like his clean vocals that much... :erk:

UndoControl said:
I think that's the best they've done as an album
yeah i agree and i love almost all the songs in it,except for Lethe which i never listen to cos it gives me an infinite sadness!!!
and btw i'd like a new album "intellectual" like The Gallery, with something close to Chaos and eternal night and the old time-changing and also some "odd" beats which no one doesn't use anymore...
but i think of course it's impossible especially cos Frederick left the band.i mean,if you consider all the stuff he wrote you can imagine how big was his personality on the old albums...
Siren said:
yes, i agree. her voice is like she's eating lasagna.
heheheh i agree with you but lagna is not lasagna!:lol:
lagna is something like the act of mourning, whining, told as if it was more an annoyance... and for example i like insanity's crescendo in the live version more than on the record..what a wonderful song!:Spin:
and ok i'm totally off-topic... :hypno:
wildfyr: I didn’t mean “magic” as in power metal shit (i do enjoy a few power metal bands, but usually they just bore me ou of my mind). I meant it more like the combination of mythological figures and metaphors using magic/mythology, as in “Lethe” meaning “soothing forgetfulness and ignorance”.

Oh, well, i guess we who like female vocals in Tranquillity are a minority. Too bad. ;) I just love the way the female vocals perfectly (IMO) complemented the growling of Mikael in “The gallery” and “Projector”.

A touch of Haven’s keyboards and “techno-feel” (as i believe i’ve read someone call them) wouldn’t be bad in a Gallery-MindsI combination. =)

“Insanity’s” is probably my favorite Tranquillity song.. and in my opinion the female vocals are a grea part of what makes it such a wonderful song... Then again this would be a horribly boring world if we all thought the same way. =P
UndoControl said:
Then again this would be a horribly boring world if we all thought the same way. =P
oh yeah can you imagine all the replies: "yes me too" "yes I agree"...:ill:
btw Undo you create great topics...:rock:

ah and what's a heart that beats the wrong way?! :p
UndoControl: Ok. Thanks for clarifying your point. I currently have a similar sentiment about power metal lately as well. Perhaps, for me, it's due to having listened to that type of music since... uhmm... before it was called power metal. ;-) I can still appreciate the work of pioneers of the genre, but (imo) a lot of the newer stuff just seems dated to me now. It doesn't interest me like it used to. I'm not sure why this is, but it is. The music part of it is usually good but the balls-in-a-vice vocals and cheesy fantasy lyrics ruin it for me. I don't find fantasy lyrics in general to be bad. I find cheesy fantasy lyrics to be bad, and a lot of the newer pm (to me) is over-the-top cheesy. I think it can still be done well if it's done right. What "right" is, though, I'm not too sure I can explain. Some of the lyrics contained in Rush's Hemispheres album might be a good example of mythologic incorporation - in a good sense. :D

Re: dt direction possibilities: I think a nod to the idea of another Projector-like album would be worth a mention here. The music and clean vocals in "Auctioned" and "Nether Novas" works for me. In fact, Projector was the album that reeled me in as a fan when it was released. Shortly after that I discovered the Skydancer cd, and then some demo and EP tracks downloaded from the Web. I think an updated version of Projector-like proportions would probably work for me again. :)

Re: Female vocals - I'm neutral on the subject of adding them to the recordings. However, if they are in the recordings and the band intends to perform those songs live, I want to hear the female voice(s) done live and not "canned" at the gigs. Hope that help to clarify.
Dafne said:
ah and what's a heart that beats the wrong way?! :p
i've always had the same question. today i had a small epiphany about it, even though it probably has nothing to do with what DT means. so, for me it means a heart that loves the wrong person, ie not the person who's in love with it. or something like that. :p
Siren said:
i've always had the same question. today i had a small epiphany about it, even though it probably has nothing to do with what DT means. so, for me it means a heart that loves the wrong person, ie not the person who's in love with it. or something like that. :p
hum, I've never thought to that ...
and maybe i think DT gave to it a meaning close to what Undo thinks (remember also the word "Insanity") but btw we should ask to the author himself...and that verse is really a mistery...
to me,a heart that beats the wrong way can also be that you think in a way that more people will find really weird but that you find perfectly normal