NFL 2014

Who is better than Brady in the 21st century and why do you feel that way?

What are your criteria?

Cards have a really good defense, like the Bills, and can usually get to 8-9 wins with that. I didn't make it clear but i'm talking about the offensive side of the ball, I think defense is very heavily centered on the DL as well, but more of a general talent required than offense, imo.

So you can get 8-9 wins with just a fantastic defense? Not a very good argument against my position.

Cassel might have been a guy to have one great season and then suck, but he's had a couple good seasons so I think that point is moot.

He had 1 good season other than the one in 2008 in New England. I won't hold getting injured constantly against him, but he didn't play particularly well even when healthy outside of 2010. Scheme and surrounding personnel vs talent.

I posted a stat vs. Montana in reply to the canadian that shows Brady has more 4QComebacks and GWDrives than Montana in the playoffs. Let's move off this point that Brady is not clutch or the team depends on him. He would have a 5th ring if the miracle Giants catch didn't happen and the Seattle game would have had less drama if Jesus didn't come down and put that ball in Kearse's lap. Brady did enough to win in all those games.

I think you are forgetting some of the "drama" surrounding his other Super Bowl wins. Brady didn't shut down the GSOT for instance. I'm not making any statements about his "clutchness". Brady obviously did "enough" to win, but so have a lot of other QBs that no one considers great.

I don't understand your argument about Moss. So he won one with Edelman/Gronk but not with Moss. What does this even mean? Teams can definitely shut down a top tier receiver in the playoffs, it happens all the time.

Who shut down Rice? The GOAT and greatest of his decade (obviously)?

defense means a lot to how a QB plays in the game as well.


How is it a legitimate point that in one season that Cassel debunks the idea that Brady is not a top tier QB? Cassel is not a JaMarcus Russel or a Ryan Leaf, he was a good QB for a few years and lost it. He's not Flynn or Orton or whoever, and neither of us have studied Pats film following Brady's ACL injury(that was it, wasn't it?) and saw how Belichick molded his gameplan to compensate for a different QB. This stat line is not supported by enough data and lacks context of the team's transformation.

So again, you think the Patriots have a losing season next year if Brady retires or has a season ending injury in week 1?
Montana will always be the best in my mind, no doubt about that. I'm sure generations that were born without having the pleasure to see him play will disagree, but there's nothing I can do about their ignorance.
I used to strictly be an Elway guy, but I've been coming around on Montana. However, the Broncos/Packers Super Bowl will (probably) always be the best Super Bowl ever in my mind.
That's the year I really started watching Football.

Who remembers this guy? (without looking it up!)

What are your criteria?
If I did enough research(wasted my time) I would bet Brady is at the least a top5 QB in the regular season since his first year coming in. Consistency. He wins the big games, can't deny it. Peyton hasn't. Playoff success is obvious. Why do you keep dodging your own point by not offering an example? How obnoxious is that.

So you can get 8-9 wins with just a fantastic defense? Not a very good argument against my position.
Of course look at the Bills, even the Browns were right there. Regular season wins mean nothing though, so I don't know what you're getting at.

I think you are forgetting some of the "drama" surrounding his other Super Bowl wins. Brady didn't shut down the GSOT for instance. I'm not making any statements about his "clutchness". Brady obviously did "enough" to win, but so have a lot of other QBs that no one considers great.

What the hell is GSOT? Who uses acronyms and doesn't define them?

What QB has 4+ rings with 11 playoff appearances that don't get credit? What an obnoxious statement

Who shut down Rice? The GOAT and greatest of his decade (obviously)?
I said can, and yet again I have no idea since I was like 4 years old when SF was running shit.

So again, you think the Patriots have a losing season next year if Brady retires or has a season ending injury in week 1?

Well those are two different scenarios. If Brady retires tomorrow I would think there is an effective plan in place where maybe they can make the playoffs. Dolphins and Bills are legit AFC east teams, maybe not good enough to supplant Brady Pats, but maybe good enough to do it to Brady less Pats.
They were so entertaining

The Ravens D in 2001 was so much fun to watch. Made my Giants look silly in the SB. Jamal Lewis is still my fav player of all time