NFL 2019


Aug 9, 2008
Among the Horrors
Prescott hits career highs in the 1st half and for the game; Perfect rating. Jerry Jones' gonna open the wallet. I called this man 4 years ago.
I've been watching the NFL for ~25 years. How does the NFL officiating get substantially worse every year for the last 5-10 years? One year they could blame it on scabs, but it only marginally improved after the holdout ended, and now it's past the prior scab level.
They are good but as usual, they feast on the AFC East, and needed the rain and the wind and the refs the other night. 33% of all tripping penalties called this year IN ALL LEAGUE GAMES called in that one game, and both bogus, and both drive killers.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1199128494543974401&ref_url=

whacker than our offense which is not good