NFL & Female Fronted Bands

Uh, denial is defined as being aware of a truth, and not accepting it. If you think I'm right and you don't agree with me, then your statement is true. Or, you have some kind of grudge against me pointing these things out to you, and are for some juvenile reason, unable to concede that you just might be wrong sometimes. Whatever you wish, if you believe Nightwish to be a full-blooded metal band, feel free to continue to do so. It would coincide then, with being surprised that such a full-blooded metal band would be featured on NFL games. How then, would you explain this feature? Note carefully that I am not basing my assessement of the 'metalness' of these pop bands on their appeal, but their musical motifs. The appeal rather, I argue is a result of these motifs being accessible to the current mass audience. What say you, glib wisecracker?
Uh, denial is defined as being aware of a truth, and not accepting it. If you think I'm right and you don't agree with me, then your statement is true. Or, you have some kind of grudge against me pointing these things out to you, and are for some juvenile reason, unable to concede that you just might be wrong sometimes. Whatever you wish, if you believe Nightwish to be a full-blooded metal band, feel free to continue to do so. It would coincide then, with being surprised that such a full-blooded metal band would be featured on NFL games. How then, would you explain this feature? Note carefully that I am not basing my assessement of the 'metalness' of these pop bands on their appeal, but their musical motifs. The appeal rather, I argue is a result of these motifs being accessible to the current mass audience. What say you, glib wisecracker?

I don' think you're right, nor do I agree with you. I have no particular grudge against you, but rather people like you how try tirelessly to convince others that you're opinions are in some way more valid. I believe Nightwish is a metal band, which I've already stated. Incorporating non-metal motifs does nothing to alter the way I classify them.
Uh, denial is defined as being aware of a truth, and not accepting it. If you think I'm right and you don't agree with me, then your statement is true. Or, you have some kind of grudge against me pointing these things out to you, and are for some juvenile reason, unable to concede that you just might be wrong sometimes. Whatever you wish, if you believe Nightwish to be a full-blooded metal band, feel free to continue to do so. It would coincide then, with being surprised that such a full-blooded metal band would be featured on NFL games. How then, would you explain this feature? Note carefully that I am not basing my assessement of the 'metalness' of these pop bands on their appeal, but their musical motifs. The appeal rather, I argue is a result of these motifs being accessible to the current mass audience. What say you, glib wisecracker?

So does Blind Guardian and Hammerfall being used on an internationally released film make them pop music? Last I checked, the NFL wasn't running a lot of clips of Britney Spears or whoever the latest pop star is. Hell, they won't touch most pop stars for the superbowl ever since the Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake controversy. I think your problem may be with your narrow view on what exactly is a "full-blooded metal band."
I don' think you're right, nor do I agree with you. I have no particular grudge against you, but rather people like you how try tirelessly to convince others that you're opinions are in some way more valid. I believe Nightwish is a metal band, which I've already stated. Incorporating non-metal motifs does nothing to alter the way I classify them.
My opinion is only more valid because I can provide backing rationale for my having it. You didn't address my question. If, as you say, they and others like them are metal bands, explain their presence in mainstream media? Remember that their presence does not determine whether or not they are metal, but the idea that they are supposedly metal does add surprise (as evidenced by the creation of this thread) and skepticism when they are found often (look at any Hot Topic t-shirt rack) in mainstream media.

I for one as I have said, am not surprised to find them and bands like them on NFL. I'm not saying it in a negative way, as you seem to be offended, rockyracoon. I'm bluntly pointing out that because of their accessibility, I am not surprised to find them on mainstream media. Argument and support. You present merely argument, with the occasional mild personal attack.

Jibrille: What do you define metal bands as, since you are accusing me of false identification. I'd like to know where my accuser stands. And, given your example, when was the last time you flipped on a football game and heard Ulver or Emperor being played? Venom maybe? I know I've heard Mudvayne, but there is something of a difference to be had. It's not shameful so I can't comprehend why rocky is so adamant.
My opinion is only more valid because I can provide backing rationale for my having it. You didn't address my question. If, as you say, they and others like them are metal bands, explain their presence in mainstream media? Remember that their presence does not determine whether or not they are metal, but the idea that they are supposedly metal does add surprise (as evidenced by the creation of this thread) and skepticism when they are found often (look at any Hot Topic t-shirt rack) in mainstream media.

I for one as I have said, am not surprised to find them and bands like them on NFL. I'm not saying it in a negative way, as you seem to be offended, rockyracoon. I'm bluntly pointing out that because of their accessibility, I am not surprised to find them on mainstream media. Argument and support. You present merely argument, with the occasional mild personal attack.

Jibrille: What do you define metal bands as, since you are accusing me of false identification. I'd like to know where my accuser stands. And, given your example, when was the last time you flipped on a football game and heard Ulver or Emperor being played? Venom maybe? I know I've heard Mudvayne, but there is something of a difference to be had. It's not shameful so I can't comprehend why rocky is so adamant.

It does not surprise me at all to hear any band used in virtually any situation. In the many various forms of media available, it stands to reason that someone calling the shots is a metal fan to some degree, and therefore chooses to incorporate that into a segment, commercial, etc.

I'm not offended at all by how you view any band. I simply don't agree with your assessment of Nightwish as being pop music. I've also never said I find it shameful to hear metal bands in the mainstream.
For better or worse, there is finally a bit of resurgence for metal (and guitar-oriented rock) in American culture. We all knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, and while CD sales have been down across the board, sales of rap and hip-hop CDs last year fell at twice the rate of other CDs. With the success of Guitar Hero, Rock Band and (to a smaller audience) Metalocalypse, metal doesn't quite have the same stigma as it did even one or two years ago.

There is nothing wrong when bands we like are lifted by a loooong overdue rising tide.
Perhaps Jibrille was right, my perception of metal is very different from the lot of you, for what it's worth. Suffice to say I disagree with your perspective on this issue. Oh well.