Nice people on the board

uh, not another misanthrope clone!:rolleyes: :mad:

ok, i tell you something: this board is "ours", that is the acomplished users! if you come here and just insult people and talk crap, then you'll might find yourself banned more quickly than you can count to 3 (which i guess takes a while).

i know guys like you are only bigmouthed on the internet and are fucking loosers in real life! at least i know you wouldn't talk like this if we would meet in real life!:heh:

so if you are going to behave like a normal person, your welcome, if not, get the fuck out of here!
i dunno if you mean that seriously, but if yes: i despise the usa for what it stands for in the world and how they behave in international politics! but to say every person who happens to live there is shit is just stupid! of course does the environment you grow up in shape you, but no, not every american is an asshole!
where are you from then? "the watery country"? hmm!
I am from quebec(you know, this country where people sit in front of the american tv, and get brainwashed by the usa, while inflating their belly with beer and fast food)

And, no, I am not stupid enough to label pêople's worth by their nationality, but it was meant as a silly insult, for a silly person.
Originally posted by Smekermann

Because they didn't release Visions from the Spiral Generator?

And I don't get this stupid mentality of yours, thinking that this forum is "yours". It's not, bietch. And I can go to whatever fucking forum I want. THX FOR UR CONCERN THO ^_^

@ Nova: in the earlier days of UM, there was a forum called "The Hate pit" and ppl. had fights and flame wars there :rolleyes: dunno anymore if there was really less flaming on the boards tho
i actually did the smiles to express my boredom by this retard! this "quoting smilies´and trying to add more than the other one did" is so fucked childish i can't even laugh about it! but that's maybe because i don't have that exquisite "sence of humour" smakermann has! :rolleyes:
so i'm out of this idiotic thread!
Who thinks bashing people is a funny joke anyways.

@smekkermann: for the comment about losing your balls, well, I said it because your cock seems to have too much to say on everything we say and a good old castration would only do good to such an idiot like you! At least, we would be sure you'd not spread your stupidity. And yes, I am an elitist: I hate idiots and I live to make fun of them. And if you read what other post to understand what they mean and not only to trash them, well, you would have known that "the next who bashes is giving me his soul". I can collect souls for my own fun! And if I had the chance to cut your balls, I would gladly do it, but, I wouldn't keep it...:Puke: Ah, and if you are thinking to call me names again, think twice: I talk to you in a way you can understand and answer stupidity with even more! Now, get out of here and don't ever come back!