Nice people on the board

Originally posted by Smekermann

What the fuck does that image macro have to do with anything I said? CONGRATS YOU USED AN SA IMAGE MACRO COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT. Fuck, I should've used it on YOU, you cretin. You're the one whining about me being such a meanie and how I should leave the forum and whatever.

I didn't say you were a "meanie". You should have, but anyways... You obviously don't see where it fits. I don't see why you come to a forum just to complain. But maybe that's just me...
Originally posted by phyre
I'm just kind of wondering WHEN people will learn that if you do not want flaming or trolling, do not swallow flamebait and flame back and do not feed the trolls. You are basically asking for it.


*goes back to the fridge for more troll bait*
It would be nice to calm down a bit, this board has been nice and hopefully it will stay this way...

Niniel, people have been nice to you here and still you have given them shit for being nice... think about your attitute before blaming others...

Also I have to say that a few more people should think about using a more polite language...
What's the point in posting here if everyone take my opinion on Mr V's music as an attack. I naver said you were stupid to like different things than I do. And the only person I've attacked is smekermann, caus he was bashing without reason.

On another thread, I say I like more the old Vintersorg and Otyg, and I add that I find it sad that Mr V has no longer inspiration to create that kind of music. Then, for an answer, I get only bashing. What did I write that was not okay, execp my own opinion that I wished to share, since I just discovered Otyg.
Haven't you figured it out niniel?!
If your opinion differs from that of the majority, it's automatically considered to be shit.
Simple fact. I however agree with your opinion...which in turn probably makes my posting this just a huge steaming pile.

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!! :lol:
So so - no need to take everything inside and make it stir up the
emotions. Now just everybody stay calm and give Lordie here a
kiss on the cheek. Is gonna be allright now. :grin: