Nightfall - I Am Jesus


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
Black Lotus Records - 2003

By Rodrigo Escandon


There is that saying that if you can’t say anything nice at all then don’t say anything. That is how I feel about I Am Jesus, the newest release by the Greek band Nightfall. But then this review would probably end now so I guess I should state some reasons of why I just don’t like this album.

The first is that upon many listens I have not warmed up or enjoyed one single song that I can honestly say that I could not recollect one song after each listen to the album and I gave I Am Jesus plenty of listens to try and win me over or at least find something positivie but it was to no avail.

So why could not I enjoy even just one song?

Well, Nightfall play melodic death metal (do not be fooled with all this talk that this a black metal album, it is not) with plenty of symphonic arrangements thrown in which makes the band sound like a bad version of Cradle of Filth and any of the generic melodic death metal bands. There is nothing that I have heard in I Am Jesus that I have not heard in other albums. That right there is the biggest issue of them all.

Sure there are albums that I like that may not provide a lot of originality either but it is the way the band carry and present their music and add just a few touches here and there to make it their own that can make an album enjoyable. Nightfall just do not do enough of that for me.

Harsh? Maybe, but one can’t deny the fact, that when you just do not like something there is nothing that can change that.

Black Lotus Records Website
Nightfall Official Website