Nightwish in Helsinki Oct. 21


Metal Grandma
Mar 12, 2003
New Jersey
Just thought you all might like to hear about the Nightwish show in Helsinki yesterday. This is what I posted on their forum:

Fantastic show! They had so much energy and the effects were amazing with the pyros and then shooting out huge clouds of confetti at the end of GLS. You can also see in those photos the screens in the back where they showed all kinds of imagery. Sometimes nature, sometimes photos of the band. Really created atmosphere during the songs.

It would have been nice to have some songs from the first two albums and three covers was a bit much. I thought Creek Mary's Blood was phenominal. The band had left the stage and everyone was chanting for them to return. Then an eery drum beat began to play and John Two-Hawks stalked out on stage and proceeded to play one of his own songs of his Heal cd. I don't have the name right now but after I transcribe the interview I'll post it. (You all really should go to his Web Page and check out more of his music. He's an awesome musician.) As he ended his own song, he blended right into CMB and the band came back on stage. His own music blended perfectly into the NW song.

He did a type of Indian dance and played 3 different types of flute. A little mike feedback in the beginning was a bummer but other than that it was a flawless and exciting performance. A perfect change of pace to the usual NW set. I was especially pleased to see how the crowd responded to him. They were really getting into it and clapping along. His voice was even more melodic and resonant live. He said in the interview that he and Tuomas were talking about working more together. I certainly hope so.

Ghost Love Score was another high point. I saw them do it in Toronto, but in a larger arena with all the visuals and "fatter" sound it was incredibly moving. On the screens in the background they were showing images of pages with the lyrics on them like an old tome.

Tarja did Sleeping Sun in the style on the cd and it was positively beautiful and sooo emotional. They were showing black and white still images of the band in the background and it felt a little like a memorial in a way. Made me a little choked up. It felt almost like a lament.

I think Tarja sang tremendously with that fuller opera voice than on the later cd's. If she was sick, I couldn't tell.

Though the set list was not that varied they threw in different little licks and keyboard solos and such as well as short breaks where they would pause ever so briefly and burst back into the music. It really added a lot of new flavor to the songs.

Only problem I noticed was during a keyboard solo in Over the Hills, Tuomas's keyboard seemed not to project every note. There were some gaps. Other than that a nearly flawless and exciting performance. I will never forget it!

Will be posting photos once I get back to the states.
Had a chance to hang out with Jukka and he seemed really bummed out that they didn´t make it back to the U.S. He said they were really looking forward to returning. ProgPower VIII?;) Would be great when the new album is out.
Dang it, i was bummed out all day yesterday, knowing i wasn't going to get to go to that show. We had plans to go from the day it was announced. But again my damn job got in the way. PPVIII? why not PPVII?? Oh Yeah and HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMBR. What a birthday present.
Pyramaze51 said:
Dang it, i was bummed out all day yesterday, knowing i wasn't going to get to go to that show. We had plans to go from the day it was announced. But again my damn job got in the way. PPVIII? why not PPVII?? Oh Yeah and HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMBR. What a birthday present.

The band is taking 2006 off to rest, do family stuff and for Tuomas to write the next cd. So, that means they wouldn't be ready for PPVII. My prediction is they'll release the next cd in the spring of 2007, tour Europe in the summer and be ready for the US by Sept....and ProgPower. Sound good? ;)

Thanks for the birthday wishes!!:)
AMBR said:
The band is taking 2006 off to rest, do family stuff and for Tuomas to write the next cd. So, that means they wouldn't be ready for PPVII. My prediction is they'll release the next cd in the spring of 2007, tour Europe in the summer and be ready for the US by Sept....and ProgPower. Sound good? ;)

Thanks for the birthday wishes!!:)
Sounds great to me, i want lots of pictures of the show Friday night......LOTS AND LOTS, oh yeah when is the DVD coming out if you know.
Now I don't know much about the business side of this event, but it seems to me that Nightwish may have "outgrown" progpower by the time their next album rolls around (If they haven't already). They'll probably have enough of a fan base to headline a pretty decent sized US tour by then. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see them at progpower again, but I also know that Glenn is less likely to book a band that can readily tour here.
If you know the band themselves, yes they probably could headline a decent US tour by themselves, but as tuomas has said many times before, they love the small intimate gigs more, and you have to remember Glenn gave them their first US date, and they don't forget, i know for a fact and AMBR can back it up, they would love to play PP again.
Pyramaze51 said:
If you know the band themselves, yes they probably could headline a decent US tour by themselves, but as tuomas has said many times before, they love the small intimate gigs more, and you have to remember Glenn gave them their first US date, and they don't forget, i know for a fact and AMBR can back it up, they would love to play PP again.

Well the shows they would play on a regular tour probably would be smaller and more intimate than progpower. When I said deccent sized, I didn't really mean 1000+ gigs like progpower is. Also, I dont think the issue is with the band's willingness to play progpower, I'm sure they'd love to. I think the issue is more likely with Glenn's reluctance to book a band with their level of success over here. I think at most we can hope for progpower to be a stop on their next US tour. But I don't make the decisions (luckily), and that's just my opinion.
Or get them to book a show 2 days before Progpower. So Wednesday night is Nightwish, Thursday is preshow, & Friday & Sat is Progpower. 4 days of awesome music ;)
They would have been playing Thursday night instead of the preshow happening if the tour had not been cancelled this year.
The band is taking 2006 off to rest, do family stuff and for Tuomas to write the next cd. So, that means they wouldn't be ready for PPVII. My prediction is they'll release the next cd in the spring of 2007, tour Europe in the summer and be ready for the US by Sept....and ProgPower. Sound good?

I guess thats not the case. Tuomas' open letter is exactly the way things should be handled. If you really look close though it really doesn't say she's out. I think it gives her a chance to see this situation from the outside for once. I think once she realizes how special Nightwish is to her, she will have the chance to deal with the issues that have hindered her.
The_Q said:
I guess thats not the case. Tuomas' open letter is exactly the way things should be handled. If you really look close though it really doesn't say she's out. I think it gives her a chance to see this situation from the outside for once. I think once she realizes how special Nightwish is to her, she will have the chance to deal with the issues that have hindered her.

did you miss the part of the letter where Tuomas basically says Tarja does not care about Nightwish nor their fans anymore? Wishful thinking is nice but c'mon man, its really clear they've given her the boot.
Jibrille said:
Or get them to book a show 2 days before Progpower. So Wednesday night is Nightwish, Thursday is preshow, & Friday & Sat is Progpower. 4 days of awesome music ;)
They would have been playing Thursday night instead of the preshow happening if the tour had not been cancelled this year.

Now you know why it was cancelled. An now I understand why Jukka was so bummed out about not returning to the U.S. At the time I couldn't understand why he brought it up and why it appeared to bother him so much. Looking over my first post, before I knew about Tarja, some things are so much clearer.
Earlier I posted:

"Tarja did Sleeping Sun in the style on the cd and it was positively beautiful and sooo emotional. They were showing black and white still images of the band in the background and it felt a little like a memorial in a way. Made me a little choked up. It felt almost like a lament."

Didn't know how prophetic that would be.

I got news for you all. This is becoming VERY ugly between the guys and Tarja. I can guarantee you three things in the coming year:

1) If any of you think that the "End of an Era" DVD will see the light of day, I got shares of the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you. That is all Nightwish's new front woman would need. Some fans watching the video and saying "Tarja looks and sounds sooooo beautiful. Tuomas, you evil, evil man. How could you?"

2)Tarja, and I truly believe this, is back in Argentina working on her solo album. It is gonna shock people as I believe it is going to be a pop-rocker. She is madder than a nest of hornets right now, and she is looking for one
thing: Destroy Nightwish. Predictied release date: August, 2006

3)Nightwish, knowing that this will get ugly quickly, will cut their hiatus short.
I predict that Tuomas already has most of the lyrics already done. Question will be if he can get the gang together in time. Mission: Damage control and
minimize Turunen impact. Predicted Release Date: September/early October

Ray C.
Jibrille said:
Or get them to book a show 2 days before Progpower. So Wednesday night is Nightwish, Thursday is preshow, & Friday & Sat is Progpower. 4 days of awesome music ;)
They would have been playing Thursday night instead of the preshow happening if the tour had not been cancelled this year.

Yeah, exactly what I was going to say.. :yell:
Stingray11214 said:
2)Tarja, and I truly believe this, is back in Argentina working on her solo album. It is gonna shock people as I believe it is going to be a pop-rocker.

That wouldn't surprise me at all.
Ruthven said:
That wouldn't surprise me at all.
Actually, I would almost expect that. She always said she wasn't into metal.
1) If any of you think that the "End of an Era" DVD will see the light of day, I got shares of the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you.
Ok, I'll buy a few shares. I think the DVD will be delayed a couple months, but I think it will definitely be released in August or September. They spent too much money on it to let in languish because some Tarja-worshippers are gonna be hyper about it.

Nightwish, knowing that this will get ugly quickly, will cut their hiatus short.
On that point, I agree with you. I believe they will cut the break short, not so much because of the ugliness, but because Tuomas is going to want to get moving on the new stuff. I don't see him off moping in the woods for a year.