nile plays ozzfest

I knew it!!!! My sister told me they were playing Ozzfest and i thought that would be the only reason they play. Some dumbshits at another forum were saying they lost all respect for them for playing ozzfest but i'm proud of them cuz they're going to scare the living hell out of all those emos.
To all the people saying nile won't sell out anytime soon, I would like to agree with you however many other death metal bands in recent times have changed their sound quite drastically to become more accessible and mainstream; decapitated and aborted and two prime examples of this. Listen to the greatness of winds of creation and then organic hallucinosis or Goremaggeddon and then slaughter and the apparatus big difference in sound! :mad:
But why agree to play at a show with scene bands? then to get more exposure to the scene kids (and MTV coverage) and in turn sell more albums to the highschool mall kids, which they supposedly "want to waste by the thousands"

Maybe people that listen to emo will get a chance to hear something good for a change ? What's wrong with that ? This is almost cheating commercialism in a way. I hope Nile gets popular off of this, And I hope metal gets more popular from this.
I just hope they aren't plagued by sound problems as they were the few times I've seen them. Always all sorts broken mics, bad mixing. But good for Nile. Karl Sanders is a great guy. There's no reason to believe he's not being genuine.

I don't think Nile will sell out. They're already near the top as far as popularity for underground bands go. They've had their share of magazine covers. They probably already do well enough to live off their music.

Is Nile really considered brutal death? I've never considered Nile, Behemoth, Necrophagist, Origin, or the like to be brutal death.
nile has a 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x better songwriting than bands like devourment
Nile and Devourment are two totally different realms of death metal. If you consider Devourment from a technical/traditional death metal point of view, then yes, you are 100% correct. But that is not what Devourment is aiming for. You obviously don't like what Devourment does and don't really see the point of it, which is fine, but I think comparing these bands who take radically different approaches to death metal is more than a little unfair.
Nile and Devourment are two totally different realms of death metal. If you consider Devourment from a technical/traditional death metal point of view, then yes, you are 100% correct. But that is not what Devourment is aiming for. You obviously don't like what Devourment does and don't really see the point of it, which is fine, but I think comparing these bands who take radically different approaches to death metal is more than a little unfair.

I agree 100% with you man, I love both bands and clearly both excell in their own respective areas with nile focusing on technicality and devourment more so in straight up brutality, both which I find quite enjoyable.:)
I agree 100% with you man, I love both bands and clearly both excell in their own respective areas with nile focusing on technicality and devourment more so in straight up brutality, both which I find quite enjoyable.:)
I'm glad someone understood :) . I don't really find Nile objectionable, but I have so many other bands that suit my taste better.
Devourment is possibly the worst band to form in general(all music), but it's not surprising they suck and can't play their instruments since they are from texas. Texas death metal should not even be labelled death metal period.
^They will definetly get more popular but i doubt it will become as popular as Cannibal Corpse.
Cannibal Corpse has their shirts in Hot Topic but how many people actually buy them that are the mallcore kids? Very few I'd guess, same thing with Immortal, they got one of their shirts in Hot Topic now too.