nile plays ozzfest

I really hope this isn't true, however we'll just have to wait and see with their upcoming album later this year if they are indeed selling out.

Karl Sanders will never fucking sell out. His music is far too valuable and selling out would make him look like a traitor....

I'm going to Ozzfest for sure cuz its free but chances are some money is gonna go to some Nile merch. I can't fucking wait to see all the Emo kids running for help when George Kollias initiates his deadly blast beats while I violently head bang until my neck fucking snaps :p :kickass: :kickass:

They are going to destroy everyone...I don't even know if the rest of the bands know that they are gonna get raped.

I thought the bands were getting paid by the Ozzies....:Puke:
you mean the Ozzbournes? I doubt they will pay them, but I could be wrong
You guys don't really believe that Nile is doing this just to assault mallcore kids. Do you??
Or do ya think everybody's gonna run away in fear when Nile plays? Nobody's really gonna give a shit; a lot of people will think Nile's "too hard". Life will go on....

There's no way I'm going Ozzfest to see Nile, who I've seen several times already, play a 40 min. set. If I were to go (which I'm sure I'm not), it'd be to check out white-trash bikini'd boobs.
You guys don't really believe that Nile is doing this just to assault mallcore kids. Do you??
Or do ya think everybody's gonna run away in fear when Nile plays? Nobody's really gonna give a shit; a lot of people will think Nile's "too hard". Life will go on....

There's no way I'm going Ozzfest to see Nile, who I've seen several times already, play a 40 min. set. If I were to go (which I'm sure I'm not), it'd be to check out white-trash bikini'd boobs.

or naked boobs, which are better.

speaking of which, I saw some underage titties tonight when I was out with my friends.