Nintendo Fans?


Oct 14, 2001
If you are a old Nintendo fan I recommend checking out the Minibosses, they play excellent old nintendo music. Check them out at excellent music especially the Megman 2 cover. *sigh* memories......
Man, I love The Minibosses! The Mega Man 2 song is awesome, and the Metroid/Kraid is even better.

I've been on a NES tear lately. In the last year, I bought a top loader, and refurbished my old front loader. Alot of great games are super cheap at used game stores, so I pick up a few every so often. Plus, all the ones I have from when I was a kid. I still play my SNES and N64 too. On top of that the GBA SP is one of the best things to come out in years.

I love Nintendo! :)
you are my hero for bringing this to my attention. the castevania one just made my fuckin week. and yes, the megaman2 one is also choice. this is taking too goddamn long on my modem haha i wanna hear em all right now!
Very cool. Many hours of my youth were spent playing Megaman 2, Castlevania 2, the first two Zeldas, etc. :)
I know about these dudes, but sadly ain't familiar with the stuff they cover :loco: I used to worship me little SNES from about, ooooh, 1995 - '97 (yeah, latecomer :p). Me faves were Mario 1 - 3 (Lost Levels was WAY too tough!), Starwing, Putty Squad and Donkey Kong Country. I had Desrt Strike as well, which I weren't too good on back in he day, but funnily enough, I dug it out last summer and ended up finishing it in four hours, kinda by accident :) I like easy games :D totally shit at all me Mario now though...

Had the ol' N64, totally loved Mario 64. Great shit. Sadly, after I finished it I'd go back to it and it just wasn't the same as playing it the first time :cry: first time was just magical, like playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time (and trust me, I could sure shed some :cry: over FF7....Vincent = bishounen GOD!!!)

Had some other good games for that thing, but there weren't 'alf some duffers out...then one discovered Final Fantasy and never looked back! :cool: for time, monetary and bishounen worship reasons.
the minibosses are originaly from Northhampton Ma. which is one town over from me. I've seen them play at a local juice bar. They were quite enjoyable. What about Contra? That tune kicks ass! Also Rygar (one of my favorite games) great stuff. I made up a whole CD of stuff I downloaded from them. But unfortunately they moved down south somewhere.
Me faves were Mario 1 - 3 (Lost Levels was WAY too tough!)
Heh. I almost beat the Lost Levels way back when. I didn't finish the last level, 8-4, though. The last four levels were fucking PAINFUL. I must have played each more than 50 times.
Respect, mate :cool: Sadly, I dug out me SNES today and it seems my Mario Allstars cart is no longer working :cry: had about 10 years on it, that little bugger did :cry: