Nipple sadness


I rule at everything
Oct 28, 2002
Queensland, Australia
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I'm sad. See I had my nipples pierced about a month and a half ago and love em, but yesterday morning when I went for a run I lost the ball to one of the barbells. Because I knew I wouldn't able to get a replacement til later this week I just put a band-aid over my nipple, holding the barbell in place so the nipple wouldn't close. Tonight I had a peek adn realised that the barbell had come out and was just sitting at the bottom of the band-aid. It's completely closed apart from two little red marks. I tried forcing the bar back in but it was real hard and all it did was bled. Sigh. I feel like I've lost a part of myself :(
your body rejected the piercing, that a common problem with certain ares in the body,
it has nothing to do with you losing the ball.....

wait till it will heal completely, and then pierce it again, this time deeper.
(yes i know! the pain! but hey- its a prt of you, right?)
the body usually wont reject it for the second time
but you have to wait til it heals!!!!
yeah heh I went to an Opeth concert like two weeks after I had it done, in the mosh-pit, never again...

My body's a shithead if it rejected the piercing.

Although I still think it fucked up cause the ball came unscrewed and there was nothing holding it in there (it's a barbell), and cause it's new it healed quickly. It was going fine til then. God damn why didn't I just tighten it every day like I was supposed to!!!! FUCK.

Meh anyways I'm going to ring the piercing dudes in the morning and ask bout my options, apparently if you don't leave it too late you can get it reopened with a taper or something (like before the scar tissue forms) but judging from my efforts of reinsertion it's not going anywhere. WHY?!? Dear God, why don't you just give me another reason to hate you. Asshole.
Off-topic I know, but holy shit. I know Loomis looks like an angry 6 year old, but that pic is just rediculous in your sig. man. He looks like Opie Taylor with a hint of thrash... and a dash of crack...
the nipple saga continues...

So I rang the piercing dudes this morning and they reckon they can repierce/reopen it. I have an appointment in exactly one hour. I think this is going to hurt like a motherfucker considering they said it would hurt quite a bit more than when I got it done originally. Jesus fuck me in the arse I hope that's not true. Once (twice!) is enough. But hopefully it'll be successful. They said that they can only try and whether or not it works is dependant on how much scar tissue has formed. Either way it's gonna make me howl like a banshee.

I hope it works, I want my nipple adorned with metal again... It just isn't hte same... I feel all yucky and non-symetrical with just the one...
so instead of listening to me, you went and got it repierced
you know why i told you it should heal before you try again?
Because now you'll have an ugly scar on your nipple... and i know- "who cares its only a nipple" but scars = suck where ever they are
plus: most likely that if your body rejected it once- it will reject it again especially if it didnt heal

hey - i hope you WONT have to do this again, and i hope this time it'll work out!
good luck!!
... not yet.... I'm just gonna let the professionals give me their opinion as well. THe only reason I'm attempting it is because I'm pretty sure the bar has been out for less than a day, so I don't think it could have closed all that much in one day, however my opinion is shit... :)