dydoe piercing


Handful of Nothing
Aug 27, 2001
I was thinking about getting this pierced. Just wanted to know if anyone else had this done and if there were drawbacks to it. I'm thinking about getting the dual barbell one it seems like it would be bad ass.

And yes.....this is a genital piercing.
*imitates ET*

I strongly recommend against this, but if you still do, go to a very good piercing artist, one with a good reputation. many are also tattoo artists. Don't get any piercings in a mall, or a little store. it should be done by a good body art artist who works in a "studio", not some trinket shop's back room.

It wont get infected if you clean it right, but yeah that would suck if it did. lol.,.,no there wasnt a picture up there that would be pretty nasty.

I dont see how they are "gay" but what ever, thnx for the input.
i used to have my eyebrow pierced and i cleaned it all the time.. that got infected a few times, and let me tell you, it was nasty and it hurt. wasn't really worth it.. plus, anytime that catches on something (lol) it's going to get all swollen and infected and shit. but go for it, i bet you'll take it out after a month :p
Stoner Sioux said:
Why do you want to get your nuts peirced anyways:err:

Not my nuts.....hmm I thought dydoe wasnt nuts.....what I wanted was a dual strait bar going parralle through the top......hmmm I would post a picture but I'll spare you from the trauma.....:D
Did you discuss this with your girlfriend? :p

Btw, how many people do you want to show your piercing..? What kind of use has it got anyway? ..Or is it just for yourself, Narcissus? :p

The Grand Wazoo said:
Did you discuss this with your girlfriend? :p

Btw, how many people do you want to show your piercing..? What kind of use has it got anyway? ..Or is it just for yourself, Narcissus? :p


I wasnt gonna show too many people.,.,i just thought it would look cool,.,..,.,but,.,,..,im definatly not gonna get it now.,,.I heard that that type of peircing has the tendency to reject.,,..,which would make my penis look like a "microwaved hotdog" :yuk::yuk::yuk:

Now I think im gonna get a couple labret peircings and nothing on my dong.,,..oh well,.,.

uuuhg,..,microwaved hotdog.,,..,.,