
USMC0341 said:
As for the stereotypes, yeah - most people see me and they assume: Metalhead, biker etc...

But I can't control how people label me at first, so I don't sweat it. I get tattoos because I like them a lot, and it just so happens that a lot of people in the metal scene have tattoos...when I was younger and in my teens, of course it was the cool thing and badass and all that, but I've come to appreciate the art form and the history behind it and all my tats have significance to me - I can tell you where when and why I got each and every one of them...What is funny as hell, is that I work in Corporate America, wear a shirt and tie every day, and people have absolutely no clue whatsoever...they would absolutely shit their pants if they saw me on the weekend in a tank top working in the yard or something...kind of funny if you ask me...
I'm very lucky in the fact that I can look like what I want to because of my career choice. If I had a third arm growing out of my chest, companies wouldn't care. I am an industrial troubleshooter and as long as I can repair machines that's all they care about. I don't have any tats, but I do have long hair and thankfully, it has never gotten in the way of me getting a job.
