No discussion of leaked TGE here before Dec 3


Mr. Bassman
Apr 19, 2008

We are now approaching the painful time that starts after we hand over the master and stops when the album is released, during which unscrupulous reviewers etc leak albums they get for review purposes.

This is reality today and nothing to do about that,


out of respect for us in the band, our record company and perhaps even more so for the loyal fans who actually await the official release to be able to hear the album in full audio quality;

-there will be zero tolerance of discussions about experiences of and thoughts about TGE before December 3rd.

Any such posts will be deleted.

Hope you all understand why.

(I will not moralize over those of you who download as long as you buy it later on, but if you choose to do so, please refrain from discussing your impressions here)
I consider reviewing an album, without having received any promo, kind of a crime.

We all have respect for your work Andreas, just like you and the other guys have respect of your fans.
In my most humble and deepest respect for all your band is and represents, December 3rd is no doubt my favorite and most anticipated day of my life, save January 8th, 2001, all most 10 years ago when I married my Bulgarian wife. As a human being I can't deny if there are leaks over Youtube- I would not be tempted to listen/view, but again, I plan on ordering at least 2, if not 3 copies of the album and plan to share with close friends and family your band's greatness!
It leaked already? I figured Dec. 4 would be the dropping date for that. :D Well needless to say in any case this album's getting my funds and support. If I were more wealthy I'd buy multiple copies (like everyone else here... Admit it, you would! :D). Come to think of it I remember I bought two copies of Mercy Falls. Nothing deliberate but one of the orders was from CDInzane and we all know how reliable they are. Thankfully I helped out a fellow fan here by sending him the extra purchased copy.

Anyhoo... I fully understand these terms. *raises hand in support*
Yeah, just seen.

The sooner the album is available for pre-order, the better. :)
No, not this time. There are a couple of reasons for that.
First of all we were a bit delayed and I didn't want to risk the release slipping into 2011. Second we felt that the awesome packaging we decided to go for should be available for everyone buying the album. We did do some stuff in the studio that I thought we'd put on the first few thousand copies but it didn't turn out well enough to include. Also it would have a been a bit lame to use that as an excuse to do an ltd edition. There is also always a chance that either the record company or the stores bump up the price on such releases which is never the intention from the band.
Also it would have a been a bit lame to use that as an excuse to do an ltd edition. There is also always a chance that either the record company or the stores bump up the price on such releases which is never the intention from the band.

Wow, really I did not know that.
That sounds really greedy on the record company side. :bah:
Thanks for sharing that info
in a thread concerning an album being leaked (possibly) your just realising that record companys are greedy. no offence intended, but really.
still it's better than game companys, and more specifically game stores. "whats that, $110 for the game new? and how much of that does the store take? $40... and how much does the company take? $50... and how much goes to the dev's? 20... nice"
Let me just state that I do not feel Lion Music has done that in an unjust way so far. With extra packaging like slipcase and the additional DVD as was the case for Mercy Falls ltd I feel it is reasonable to take a few extra bucks since the production costs have increased.

I am merely saying that we didn't have enough extra to make something like that this time.
oh, i didn't mean lion music andreas, just a general blanket statement that people will always try and overcharge then take all the profit if they think they can get away with it.
Yeah Andreas,

No offense meant. I have heard off an on for years that record companies jacked up CD prices and that the artist received very little of it. I just don't feel that it's right. But i'm not here to start some kind of forum on right and wrong with record companies. It's all about hearing a new kick-ass Seventh Wonder CD in my car and turning on new fans to your sound...because you can bet i'm going to pimp the hell out of this CD to whoever I can get to listen. :cool:
I cant even find where to buy in my country so i must order online ... i just hope it will came this year because i don't want to listen to the "leaked" version!
And let anyone that breaks said stated policy be drug out into the streets and humiliated before thousands...

I won't even read reviews - I don't want to know a thing about it... I like to hear new music completely uninfluenced by what someone else's impressions/ opnions...(we all get something different out of it!!)
Concerning leaks, it is kind of funny that I originally found out about Seventh Wonder through a download of Mercy Falls.

I then promptly bought the CD and haven't regretted it a single day since!

And I promise, that should my people receive a review copy, I will not use it for anything other than an actual review.


Aaaw, damnit. We aren't getting it. Sigh, I guess I'll have to wait until it comes out on CD.
Sadly, TGE is leaked...hard!!! I reported on few sites but i think it's too late...
Damn, didn't know it'll leak that soon! :'( boy...most recent traces are 3 days ago! Still, this "for review" purposes ruins their effort