No more Ghost of Perdition thread...

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quoted from the now deleted Ghost of Perdition thread:
Dreadful said:
I do wish the mainriff wasn't repeated so much in the end though...I really wish they just arranged something else instead. That alone would have made more people like the song (more), myself included.

I think TGC is a good song with a few problems here and there such as the repetitiveness that you mentioned. Still over all pretty good and I do enjoy it but I was hoping for a bit more from Opeth. Now after hearing GoP I cannot wait to hear the whole album. What a friggin amazing song. Easily their best song since BWP if not Still Life. A great meshing of older styles and influences mixed with the continuing forward progression of Opeth from album to album.
Well since we can only talk about publicly released songs:

Man Opeth have been disappointing, The Grand Conjuration sucks! I hope the rest of Ghost Reveries isn't so fucking crap!
Jon Snow said:
quoted from the now deleted Ghost of Perdition thread:

I think TGC is a good song with a few problems here and there such as the repetitiveness that you mentioned. Still over all pretty good and I do enjoy it but I was hoping for a bit more from Opeth. Now after hearing GoP I cannot wait to hear the whole album. What a friggin amazing song. Easily their best song since BWP if not Still Life. A great meshing of older styles and influences mixed with the continuing forward progression of Opeth from album to album.

an 8 song album can not afford to have any "okay song, not their best"
so, some of the same people that wanted to keep moonlapse on as mod, are happy to post things in and create threads that you know, however stupid the rules may be could get him in trouble with all over again? i smell stupidity...
Rensei said:
wow, this forum is becoming very Nazi.

jeanreno said:
Well since we can only talk about publicly released songs:

Man Opeth have been disappointing, The Grand Conjuration sucks! I hope the rest of Ghost Reveries isn't so fucking crap!


seriously though...who knows what to expect from this album now. ghost of perdition and the grand conjuration are like night and day...

gop @ 4:53 makes me sweat....that is fucking amazing. only one other opeth song has instantly blown me away...that was the moor...which is one of my fav peth songs. i love mike's new clean vocal style too...less airy with more projection and chest....wait, tgc...whispery and haunting. damn. i hope the rest of the album is as surprising as these two songs.
I cant speak for everyone but, the links to Ghost Of Perdition has done nothing to harm.. If anything.. its made our anticipation grow even more intensely. In fact people iv spoken to that second thought there decision to buy the cd after TGC, are quickly changing there mind. Yeah.. getting mp3's of new songs officially on the roadrunner website EVIL..

If there were spreading of Opeth files put on by a ripped copy of the cd, that would be a problem.. Fanclub or not, we are all still fans.. we should beable to hear the same songs that those uk fanclubbers do.
I've never posted before, never felt the need. Ghost of Perdition is fucking amazing and I'm not exagerating. I could imagine it being on Still Life. Awesome solos, a great vibe and great vocals all the way through. This is new opeth and I fucking love it and it's so great to be able to say that.
Rensei said:
wow, this forum is becoming very Nazi.

The problem with that thread was that too many people were linking to the song. I was prepared to let it go on, provided it was just discussing the song itself.

Feel free to create another thread to discuss the song, but I honestly can't spend half my day sorting through each thread and deleting every rule-breaking post one by one. It simply takes too long.
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