No more Joe

i don't remember him posting any obscene/pornographic/violent images or personally threatening board members on the same level that ... james did using rp's profile? eric did using james' profile? something - anyway... was there a "last straw" or was everyone just tired of being a douche?

... if it was the latter, i vote that a law is passed that bans people from LIFE for incessant douchebaggery
i don't remember him posting any obscene/pornographic/violent images or personally threatening board members on the same level that ... james did using rp's profile? eric did using james' profile? something - anyway... was there a "last straw" or was everyone just tired of being a douche?

... if it was the latter, i vote that a law is passed that bans people from LIFE for incessant douchebaggery

just slow agonizing douchebaggery
I know a lot of you all goof with each other (even though its hard to tell sometimes by duds like me) but Joe goes (and went) beyond any of that. He just enjoys being a douchebag who has nothing better to do than insult others with no cause or care, and doesn't know when to quit (actually don't think he knows the meaning of the word). Then you call him out and he'll argue until everyone just moves on, then he goes more.

So yeah... I think that was quite enough.
I know a lot of you all goof with each other (even though its hard to tell sometimes by duds like me) but Joe goes (and went) beyond any of that. He just enjoys being a douchebag who has nothing better to do than insult others with no cause or care, and doesn't know when to quit (actually don't think he knows the meaning of the word). Then you call him out and he'll argue until everyone just moves on, then he goes more.

So yeah... I think that was quite enough.

Wow. That's like, exactly it.

You're good.
Welp, that's pretty fucked up. The fact is, Joe had some tension between between most people on this board, but not everyone.

James was a MUCH bigger douchebag piece of shit than what you guys claim Joe to be, and he got banned because he put a picture of a penis and a swastika as his avatar, not because he was acting like a punk. Joe was a bit too argumentative at times and sometimes argued just for the sake of arguing, but James had no restraint whatsoever and was downright nasty. Yet since most people seemed to think he was funny, they let him stay on for as long as they did.

Not saying that Joe isn't at fault for pissing a lot of people off, but this definitely isn't very even-handed in my opinion. The fact is that this board is a clique and if you challenge that clique you will be removed.

Yay for high school all over again.
Nobody liked that guy, but having our little online oligarchy sanitized to avoid seeing or hearing things we don't like seems really fake and sad.

I thought he was ok, because when we would argue I would take it with a grain of salt. I wouldn't say NOBODY liked him.

But yes, it is very fake, sad, and white suburbanite to have our perfect little online forum sanitized because we got our pussies hurt when we could have just hit the "ignore user" button.
Chris, I think Deron can say that as well, but no one actually 'asked' Joe to be banned you know....
No one here on this board sent Deron a PM asking to get rid of Joe. I think it's important to put that on the table.
The decision came 'from upstairs'...
See ya, Joe. I'll shed many tears in your absence.

Anyway, good call, Deron. We all have fun insulting each other over here, but being irritating for its own sake is just stupid.

James was a MUCH bigger douchebag piece of shit
True, but when James did it, it was actually funny, and if you laughed along with him, he'd stop.

The decision came 'from upstairs'...
I'll take you upstairs olololololol
Welp, that's pretty fucked up. The fact is, Joe had some tension between between most people on this board, but not everyone.

James was a MUCH bigger douchebag piece of shit than what you guys claim Joe to be, and he got banned because he put a picture of a penis and a swastika as his avatar, not because he was acting like a punk. Joe was a bit too argumentative at times and sometimes argued just for the sake of arguing, but James had no restraint whatsoever and was downright nasty. Yet since most people seemed to think he was funny, they let him stay on for as long as they did.

Not saying that Joe isn't at fault for pissing a lot of people off, but this definitely isn't very even-handed in my opinion. The fact is that this board is a clique and if you challenge that clique you will be removed.

Yay for high school all over again.

from what I remember James got much more abuse then joe did, and he wouldn't care at all (if anyone remembers the rhapsody photoshops of him among other things)

Joe on the other hand would proclaim constantly that he didn't care, though would still get really defensive whenever someone would call him out

the "tension" that you speak of was made by himself, claiming that there were lots of people that didn't like him, regular drama queen stuff etc.
I guess I don't speak for EVERYONE but generally most people that come here are welcomed, as long as they don't take themselves too seriously.

tl;dr joe is a fake james who in turn is a mild version of Guerilla
Chris, I think Deron can say that as well, but no one actually 'asked' Joe to be banned you know....
No one here on this board sent Deron a PM asking to get rid of Joe. I think it's important to put that on the table.
The decision came 'from upstairs'...

Hmm. That makes it a little better, least for Neverboard users. But then again, that makes it a little worse too.

So now the big boss can come in and tell who's offended and who isn't? If that's the case, then Will, John, Eric, me, Max, and Captain should all be banned because we've all said really fucked up shit to each other and to other people, and it really is an ongoing thing sometimes.

I really don't care one way or another, but it just seems like the politically correct police sent in their SWAT team and took out Joe with a head shot from a sniper on a roof across the street.

If the guy didn't post anything violently offensive, pornographic in nature (well, seriously porno in nature because we're a pretty liberal board), etc. and no one filed a formal complaint, then why is he banned? I remember John saying something about seriously hating Loomis and wanting to punch him in the face...saying this on the band member's own message board. He wasn't booted because everyone pities John because of his personal situation.

I've always seen things as black and white, and maybe that's my problem. I'm sure no one else will miss Joe, but to be honest, he was one of the more interesting people here, even if he was sometimes inflammatory. It was a hell of a lot better than 95% of the crap posted here. I dunno, I just see it as a "let's not rock the boat", conformist attitude.