No more rock in Houston. KLOL is a Latino pop music station now....

metal dreams

Dec 1, 2002
Houston, TX
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I was amazed to find a Shakira song on KLOL on Friday. I though it was a joke but now I read in the papers that KLOL is no more. After 34 years of rock, the Clear Channel people decided that rock is dead and latino pop is in. So now in Houston, there is no more rock stations to listen to. Not that I listen to the radio any more, but I'm still pissed.
Clear channel just killed KSJO off here in the Bay Area 2 weeks ago without even a notice right in the middle of their evening rock show, fucking assholes.

KSJO has been a huge rock station in the Bay Area since 1968 too, Clear Channel apparently wants to destroy Rock in the USA, well fuck em we still have the Internet and Satellite

Bear said:
Clear channel just killed KSJO off here in the Bay Area 2 weeks ago without even a notice right in the middle of their evening rock show, fucking assholes.

KSJO has been a huge rock station in the Bay Area since 1968 too, Clear Channel apparently wants to destroy Rock in the USA, well fuck em we still have the Internet and Satellite


This really pissed me off, even though I hadn't really listen to them in the last few years that much. But I did listen for about 15 years. Now Bay Area radio is dead. We've lost all the rock stations (except for The Bone, of course).

Check out this petition. I signed it as soon as I heard about it.Bring Back KSJO
My condolences. Hate hearing this happen, though I've seen it repeat time and time again. I no longer listen to the radio.....EVER! The so-called rock/metal stations are plagued by repetitive rounds of same old, same old and "it's cool now, must play it" garbage.

Well, we are blessed with internet radio now, thank the gods of metal.
Join us on for real metal music! :headbang:
Yeah, I was just about to mention the KSJO deal as well. It seems like it was very similar to what happened in Houston.

I guess we're starting to see a pattern.

Oh well, I thought KSJO was starting to deteriorate really badly anyway.

-Machine Called Man-
Well...all i can say is...that is what deregulation gets ya.....and it will continue....and if you think it will stop at radio, you are time XM and such will follow suit as all the media giants buy it all out.
The local Station here DC101 is a CC owned station. Already their morning insane DJ Elliott is making noises about what would happen if they went Latin. I would really hate for that to happen as they are the only rock station I can pick up out here in the 'sticks' ;) Apparently Clear Channel is going to review about 15 of their Rock stations to see if they should flip them to Latin. In the Houston case....KLOL was the 27th station their to be latin! HOW MANY LATIN STATIONS DOES ONE TOWN NEED?

WEll here's to setting out the bucket of KFC for Jobu that DC101 stays around. When I lived in San Jose I used to listen to KSJO after KOME went weird on us. Damn Clear CHannel to heck!

Let's be honest though, losing KLOL is no great loss. There hasn't been a decent rock/metal station in Houston as long as I've been here, I can't even remember the last time I listened to the radio unless it was AM talk.
Actually, Z Rock was great! They had the same fate as KLOL though and was changed into a Christian station. They had djs who were willing to go out on a limb to and play the music KLOL was afraid to.
Clear Channel must be stopped! They own most of the Radio stations, control most of the venues and also own Ticketmaster. They control what you listen to, where your going to listen to it, and how much they want to charge you for your listening pleasure. I think it's total BS and the government should be looking into them very seriously. I hate this company with a passion :yell: .
metal dreams said:
Actually, Z Rock was great! They had the same fate as KLOL though and was changed into a Christian station. They had djs who were willing to go out on a limb to and play the music KLOL was afraid to.
I couldn't remember the name of that station but you're right, they were pretty good. I remember listening to them from College Station, but by the time I moved to Houston they had already been pulled off the area. That was quite a while ago (7 or 8 years ago). So I still stand by the statement that Houston hasn't had a good rock station in years. :)

Who knows, maybe now somebody independent will come in. I remember when ClearChannel bought the local conservative AM talk station and started firing people, those people got together and started their own independent station that is still doing quite well.
Deregulation of radio, which led to Clear Channel swallowing up the airwaves, is arguably the worst thing to ever happen to the music industry. I strongly urge everyone who cares deeply about music to support independent radio, whether internet, satellite, or FM, and refuse to listen to anything they control.
While CC is a beast...... There's an even bigger beast out there. Hint, it's the one that gave us grunge, the end of metal and the rise of hip-hop. It's much bigger than Clear Channel. Hint: its name begins with a V.

Ahhh, nevermind, just listen to WREKage. :)

Step 1: check the week's playlist:

Step 2: if you see something you'd like to check out, click on this link to listen to the archive:

If you happen to click on #2 during the actual show (after 10pm Fridays), you should get the live broadcast instead, and we deejays will be updating the playlist in realtime.

Broadband is recommended since it's near CD-quality mp3 audio. (For dialup, you can go to the mono stream via

I know it's only eight hours a week.....but it's our eight hours a week....and we play loads of requests, too. :)
I haven't listened to radio in a Loooong time. There hasn't been a decent station in Chicago for years.

Clear Channel is da debo. But how do we do anything about it? Sure, we listen to internet radio and go to ProgPower. What happens when TSO comes to town, or Sonata Arctica and Nightwish tour. We go online and give an extra $20 per ticket to Ticketmaster. Maybe we should start a letter writing campaign to our reps in D.C..
CT's changing over as well. I really do believe that the rap phase is beginning to die off, none of the "big names" in rap are really around, they've been recycled, i think its a matter of time before another genre takes over into the mainstream. I have a suspicion that with rap, punk, and soft cheesy "rock" pop, all being the cool thing to do nowadays that Nu Metal is going to be the next big thing. And with Dimebag, I think metal will be exposed more. Who knows maybe his tragic, unfortunate death could actually have started a new movement.. Only time will tell...
I agree, but I don't want to sound racist but rap is the official music for black people, mainly teenagers. It will not die, which sucks. But, all the kids at my school have been getting into Shadows Fall and CoF, some Dimmu Borgir, and some Evergrey thinks to me.