No Ozzfest


Anthrax was on HBB last night & they put to rest that the rumors that they were on this year's Ozzfest! The said no tour of North America is expected until the Fall of 2005... It sounded to me like John Bush is out, same with Rob... Scott was very "matter of fact" about John & Rob, to me it sounded like if "this works out" they both out...
And that big dufuss Frank Bello is back in the band. I have no idae why he left? Anyone know? Anyway that's what was said...
No Ozzfest for me either. I can't stand this fest and it has become the McDonald's of Hard Music. Just crap. IM has in my eyes lost a TON of credibility for doing this cash-whore show. It's pretty mucha showcase for the wash-outs and never-were's/will be's. Save your cash and go to a real Metal show, like the Chicago Powerfest or Progpower in Atlanta.
Walter_Langkowski said:
No Ozzfest for me either. I can't stand this fest and it has become the McDonald's of Hard Music. Just crap. IM has in my eyes lost a TON of credibility for doing this cash-whore show. It's pretty mucha showcase for the wash-outs and never-were's/will be's. Save your cash and go to a real Metal show, like the Chicago Powerfest or Progpower in Atlanta.

Or BWBK and Minneapolis Mayhem.
Walter_Langkowski said:
No Ozzfest for me either. I can't stand this fest and it has become the McDonald's of Hard Music. Just crap. IM has in my eyes lost a TON of credibility for doing this cash-whore show. It's pretty mucha showcase for the wash-outs and never-were's/will be's. Save your cash and go to a real Metal show, like the Chicago Powerfest or Progpower in Atlanta.

Hay! Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel about Ozzfest. :tickled:
sixxswine said:
I might have a "free" ticket to Ozzfest courtesy of my bro that has his record shop...
I would consider it for The Sabbath set, but "is it worth wading through all that other stuff?"

Worth all that for a Sabbath set hahaha No Way! they put me to Sleep last year :loco:
Probably not worth "it," but I could sell the fucking thing & get some dough out of it...
I mean I got press & photo pass for the King Diamond gig in a month!
I also have three gigs to check out in Anahiem in a a couple weeks. I'm looking at see Motley Crue, but that's so damn spendy! I have yet to buy tickets! And Priest will likely no play around here until fall...
sixxswine said:
Probably not worth "it," but I could sell the fucking thing & get some dough out of it...
I mean I got press & photo pass for the King Diamond gig in a month!
I also have three gigs to check out in Anahiem in a a couple weeks. I'm looking at see Motley Crue, but that's so damn spendy! I have yet to buy tickets! And Priest will likely no play around here until fall...

Totally save your money dont buy an Ozzfest Ticket ...I mean Seeing Priest for the third time but the first time with Halford was cool! but they totally blew sabbath off the stage and before that was a shitload of bands and 3 were worth seeing Dimmu, Slayer and BLS(ofcourse I missed BLS to get a quick handshake and sig from Kerry King... the encounter was quick but waiting in that 30 mile line with a drunk asshole behind me sucked majorly ... Wish I saw BLS instead!) ...ANYWAYS Thats great about the KD show!!!! I'm Jealous! :) I am going out to see OVERKILL! in a week! that will be great... Plus I have to go see Manowar in June! (Yaknow how I am about Manowar) seeing them will be a dream come true for me! as for Motley Crue I thought about seeing them for maybe like 5 mins haha I mean they are cool to watch I seen em twice Once with the full original Line up once with Vinnies girl on drums .. so I figure I can handle missing them :D ... When JP come out GO SEE EM! fucking one of the Greatest live bands I have ever seen! :headbang:
This is kinda interesting though, my bud scored tickets to the Shadows Fall/Lamb of God/Slipknot gig in Portland, OR. It was though Century Media. Unfortunately I will in California, but I would love to see SF & LoG! Fuck Slipknot...
Motorhead this weekend with C.O.C. !
sixxswine said:
This is kinda interesting though, my bud scored tickets to the Shadows Fall/Lamb of God/Slipknot gig in Portland, OR. It was though Century Media. Unfortunately I will in California, but I would love to see SF & LoG! Fuck Slipknot...
Motorhead this weekend with C.O.C. !

Oh Yeah Motorhead .. they are another fucking AWSOME live band! I wouldnt mind seeing them again ... LoG was at Ozzfest last year too .. they were certainly the highlight of the 2nd stage! and slipcock headlined the 2nd stage ... I remember my buddy saying to me "Wait till you See slipknot they will change your mind" WRONG they were even more terrible live than on cd hahaha

You know Sabbath is going to play the exact same setlist that they played at Ozzfest 2004, which is the same as Ozzfest 2001, which was the same a Ozzfest 1999. I love Sabbath, but the Ozzfest-era Sabbath is boring as hell!

I think Maiden is the only band that I'd really want to see, and I bet they're gonna be playing a shortened set. I wouldn't mind seeing a few of the B-stage bands, but none are worth the price of admission to me.

I wish they could get ProgPower to do like a 50-city tour (like Ozzfest does)!
I am going to Ozzfest as I CANNOT miss Maiden... it's the only dates they are playing here in the States and I cannot afford to go to Europe at this time... even if the setlist is 1 hr long it is still better than nothing to me.

Also, some other bands I really like who will be there:

MASTODON! > :OMG: They impressed me on Saturday..saw them at The Troubador, they are sheer geniouses on instruments.
Shadows Fall: Call them what you want, I love their last 2 albums and they sound great live.
God Forbid: Another band in the vein of Shadows Fall... also pretty fast and enjoyable... curious to see them live
In Flames: Saw them live at the Roxy-Hollywood last year, they were tight... enjoy many of their releases as well!

I think that's about it for me... I really don't know how Sabbath will hold up after Maiden playing o_O but I look forward to seeing them as well.

BLS... I've yet to listen to any of their stuff... I always get mixed information about this band, guess it will be good to see them live and judge for myself.
I was extremely disappointed in the Anthrax news. But I still want to see Maiden.
And although I was not impressed with thier nu-metal like last album I am looking forward to seeing In Flames for the first time as well as Soilwork and The Haunted.
I would at least get a lawn ticket to see The Haunted Swine they might be up your
alley rEVOLVEr ruled!!! Plus Shadows Fall is playing the main stage. I just thought
they could've founded a better 3rd headliner Mudvayne fucking sucks! I mean
shit Cradle Of Filth or Dimmu Borgir would've filled the bill better. And I hardcore know
Im going to get a shitload of jeers for this one but Im looking forward to seeing
Killswitch Engage as well they are the closest thing to emo that I get into!
KMADD said:
Mudvayne fucking sucks!

Normally I like to see more constructive Critisism but I hate mudvayne and I'm not to fond of Mudvayne fans ... I remember seeing them on the Ozzy Merry Mahem tour ... they didnt impress me and the little fucker that jumped over my head cause he was excited to see them was lucky I didnt grab his punk ass little fucking foot on his way over and sent him face first into the next row of seats ... that really pissed me off ... still does in fact hahaha
Man I just thought that first album Mudvayne did was a complete tool/korn ripoff.
The song "Dig" was pretty cool and thier imagery esp. the singer reminded me of
Alien Sex Fiend on that video but other than 2 other songs LD50 was horrible and
completley unoriginal and don't get me started on Korn and Slipknot I am extremely
hated on the metal underground site for bashing them hahaha!