Nocturnal Rites

Well I dont know about anywhere else but up here in Pittsburgh we usualy only get a few shows a year of bands worth seeing and NONE of them are Prog or Power related...and my buddy plays in a grindcore band so I hang out and drink when they play and Ive tried to have convo's with the folks at the shows and I ask them if theyve heard so in so and etc...and the response I get MOST of the time is "Sonata is cool but I don't like that other corny shit"

Then I give them the blank stair and move on to enjoying my beer knowing that most of the people of this damn city are small minded asses...

Point being is that these mental midgets with closed minds only really know of Sonata...and if I would mention Nocturnal Rites(who I love) I'd get a blank look of non response....
So Sonata is definatly headline material!
Do you happen to know what the sales #'s are of SA and NR's most recent cd's Glenn? Just curious.

I do have limited access to soundscan numbers as well as touring numbers. However, that is information that I will not give out without express consent of the labels, bands, and management.


However, I can assure you that Sonata have really built up their presence here in the States with that last tour and dvd. I expect their fall tour to do really well.
I do have limited access to soundscan numbers as well as touring numbers. However, that is information that I will not give out without express consent of the labels, bands, and management.


However, I can assure you that Sonata have really built up their presence here in the States with that last tour and dvd. I expect their fall tour to do really well.

Thanks for the reply Glenn.
I do like NR, but only a select few songs, say bout 3, or 4 excellent songs. But other than that, I think they are pretty bland. I'm im not sayin that from a pure prog-fanboy or power-fanboy standpoint cuz i listen to tons of different genre's. NR just simply isn't headliner status, especially not for progpower USA the most renowned prog/power fest. in the U.S. and not far from the entire world.

What were lookin for here is a band that won't be "raged". Ok, we all know a band like Amorphis is awesome, but they will definitly be raged. Without a doubt. We all know Edguy rules, but the prog fans won't be happy and could leave the place. We need a band like Glenn said that fuses the 2 genre's, the only bands i can think of that would be something like that is Iced Earth or Symphony X.. Bring on the responses ; )
I do like NR, but only a select few songs, say bout 3, or 4 excellent songs. But other than that, I think they are pretty bland. I'm im not sayin that from a pure prog-fanboy or power-fanboy standpoint cuz i listen to tons of different genre's. NR just simply isn't headliner status, especially not for progpower USA the most renowned prog/power fest. in the U.S. and not far from the entire world.

What were lookin for here is a band that won't be "raged". Ok, we all know a band like Amorphis is awesome, but they will definitly be raged. Without a doubt. We all know Edguy rules, but the prog fans won't be happy and could leave the place. We need a band like Glenn said that fuses the 2 genre's, the only bands i can think of that would be something like that is Iced Earth or Symphony X.. Bring on the responses ; )

As much as i would love to see both Symphony X and Iced Earth, neither of these bands fit the description Glenn gave for the mysterious co-headliner.

But anyways, i need to put my 2 cents in....NR is not at headliner status yet, and probably won't be for a while. They got a decent response at the Chicago Power fest, but it's nowhere near the level required for a 4th or 5th spot at progpower...
I actually liked NR's first singer better than their current one. I wish he would put out some material, but I think he is just producing now.
I wouldn't....i love paul gilbert and everything he has done...racer x, mr big, solo...its all great!!! I would choose Racer X over NR anytime

good man

also magnitude 9 is great!

i dont see many people who like them, or who post about em
From a business standpoint including album sales & touring draw (that includes the U.S.), this is an absurd statement.

Is this mostly based on having toured the US, or are SA really selling THAT many albums here? I have to admit, I didn't know they were particularly big here (and, for my own part, I certainly don't see their appeal, when compared to other bands in the genre).

hell, I remember when one of the criteria for a ProgPower USA headliner was LACK of touring in the US... my, how times change. :lol:
I actually liked NR's first singer better than their current one. I wish he would put out some material, but I think he is just producing now.

Anders sounded really amazing on Tales of Mystery and Imagination. That was one of the most underrated Euro-happy-metal discs ever.