Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Ok, I wanted Honey BBQ chicken, so I went to KFC, and they didn't have it because it was seasonal. I was a little dissapointed, but hey, it was ok.

So I wanted Buffalo Chicken Strips from Long John Silvers, but they weren't serving them. I wanted to know WHY. Get this.... They aren't serving it during Lent. This is the biggest pile of bullshit I have ever faced, I don't get my Buffalo chicken because THEY practice Lent. I don't CARE if they practice, but when I CAN'T have my GOD DAMNED chicken because THEY LOVE THAT FAGGOT JESUS... I'm considering going back there and someone getting my vocal wrath, I DON'T LIKE THEIR BELIEFS FORCED ON ME!

Anyone else have to deal with this horseshit? :mad:
Update: The website got my formal complaint:

"Dear sir or madam,
Tonight I went to the local restaurant for your Buffalo Chicken Strips, which might I say, are a MASTERPIECE, possibly the best I have ever had, but... I was told they are not currently serving them. I was curious as to why, and was told they will not be served during Lent. I don't mind in the slightest that someone chooses to practice giving something up until easter, but, must they force it onto customers? I felt deeply insulted that I too must practice Lent because they felt the need to do this. Is this the only restaurant, or is this a company policy? I am very dissapointed with this.


David Swayne"
well, you could always go to the store and get some chicken and some sauce and bbq up some of that. thats what i would do in the first place.
NoLordy Capone said:
But the principle of the matter! I was denied meat because of Jesus!

Yes, Mr. Sphincter would be pissed too.