Non-2010 (Updated to Non-Last 11yrs) Creme de la Creme

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Top 2010 discoveries which left me pissing praises and vomiting adulation. If you don't own these releases pick them up before old age makes you too feeble to appreciate them.

Negura Bunget - OM This may be the best album I've listened to in the past 5 years. Absolutely breath taking in every sense of the word. Worthy of a large summary of praise, if my cursor didn't erratically jump to and fro like a metalcore riff. Cunoașterea Tăcută is the anthem of the Gods!

Minsk - The Ritual Fires of Abandonment - Monolithic, hypnotic, leaves Out of a Center... to be a mere foot note in it's wake. Ceremony Ek Stasis is quarter hour journey through quasi post-core/doom with vocals lifted from beneath the apron strings of June Cleaver. There's something that comes off as very dated, yet modern in this closer. Without this track the album would be the Lakers without Kobe. Just 11 negars in baggy shorts. This recording must be listened to as a whole, as any good piece of music should. Fuck the ipod generation, fuck the apple store, and fuck those pencil neck faggots with the Al Borland plaid shirts and where's waldo beanies. This sets everything asunder. In the words of Robert Oppenheimer, "Few people laughed, few people cried, most people were destroyed by this album."

Neurosis - A Sun that Never Sets - Captivating, compounding minimalism to accomplish a hypnotic tapestry which fetters the listener through an hour of introspection. A soundtrack to one's own life, a book with a million endings. Up until a month ago, Moose had been touched more (not by me). Since that time, it's been on the receiving end of an audiogenic threesome. Left ear high fiving right ear as every note double penetrates. Magnificent! Tour de fucking Force!

Sadness - Ames De Marbre The most tasteful display of goth meshing with death/doom you'll come across. Spun a hundred times over, metal of this caliber and sincerity is a diamond amongst derivative coal. Released in '93, its still fairly easy to come by, as most metalheads are so fixated in listening to "what's hot", than a lost classic which never received the praise it rightfully deserved. Listen to Ghost faggoths, I'll be listening to Sadmess.

Weapon - Drakonian Paradigm More straight-forward than From the Devil's Tomb. An onslaught to the faculties in the name of Beelzebub, Mecca shall fall under a burning magic carpet!

M8L8TH - By the Wing of Black - Hail Hitler, Hail Gorbechev's fucked up forehead! Angry black metal which mocks Jews who observe the Sabbath by driving vehicles they refuse to park and elevators in which they'll ride in just as long as somebody else presses the button to the floor of their destination. Russia now has more than literature and genocide to hold their heads high to.

Sadness - Ames De Marbre The most tasteful display of goth meshing with death/doom you'll come across. Spun a hundred times over, metal of this caliber and sincerity is a diamond amongst derivative coal. Released in '93, its still fairly easy to come by, as most metalheads are so fixated in listening to "what's hot", than a lost classic which never received the praise it rightfully deserved. Listen to Ghost faggoths, I'll be listening to Sadmess.

sometimes youre so right
Sadness - Ames De Marbre The most tasteful display of goth meshing with death/doom you'll come across. Spun a hundred times over, metal of this caliber and sincerity is a diamond amongst derivative coal. Released in '93, its still fairly easy to come by, as most metalheads are so fixated in listening to "what's hot", than a lost classic which never received the praise it rightfully deserved. Listen to Ghost faggoths, I'll be listening to Sadmess.

Listening to this now, absolute masterpiece in every sense of the word. :hotjump:
Weapon - Drakonian Paradigm More straight-forward than From the Devil's Tomb. An onslaught to the faculties in the name of Beelzebub, Mecca shall fall under a burning magic carpet!


This album shit's so far down FtDT it's not even funny. Good Susperia, this is what metal sounds like friends. Gaymayzing in every possible iteration of the word.

This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Every other song you've listened to in the past 5 years or GTFOoRC. Ok maybe not, but damn fn goooood! Now I need to check through my collection to see if I already own it, ughhhhh.

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Going to bump this for two reasons.

1) It has me revisiting Weapon, which is currently raping my fucking ugly face.

2) Its germane to all the spiel regarding new era shit not hitting the mark.

So the updated question I pose to you kind folk, what NEW olden album discoveres have kicked your uggo faces in within the past decade? (Pre-2010 releases)
So the updated question I pose to you kind folk, what NEW olden album discoveres have kicked your uggo faces in within the past decade? (Pre-2010 releases)
shit, the past DECADE?

here are some of the biggest dick kickerz in recent memory (excepting the stuff ive already posted in the tourney such as tribulation and hällas)

phideaux - doomsday afternoon
camel - mirage
king crimson - red
marillion - clutching at straws
x japan - vanishing vision & blue blood
songs: ohia - the lioness
microphones in 2020
maudlin of the Well - part the second
ashbury - endless skies
folque - fredløs (and most of the other albums)
adramelch - irae melanox
dark quarterer - dark quarterer
the chameleons - script of the bridge
on thorns i lay - orama & crystal tears
holocaust - hypnosis of birds
all about eve - ultraviolet
anti cimex - raped ass
folk och rackare - folk och rackare
kong lavring - kong lavring
anekdoten - vemod
crimson glory - transcendence
sisters of mercy - first and last and always & floodland
johan airijoki - allting kommer att bli bra
tristania - widow's weeds

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This is my fave older than a decade album discovered in the past decade. Oddly. Very Oddly, it's Core based. I fuggin love it, made a thread on it, twas ignored. Oh well.

This is my fave older than a decade album discovered in the past decade. Oddly. Very Oddly, it's Core based. I fuggin love it, made a thread on it, twas ignored. Oh well.

I'm listening to this now. It's interesting that this band was based entirely around the Watership Down novel. I don't know how well this book is known outside of the UK, but pretty much every single person of my generation and more is familiar with this as they made animated movie about it - an animated movie about bunny rabbits basically, which probably really isn't suitable for children but it seems like it was the done thing at that time to sit your children down in front of it and watch while rabbits tore each others throats out.

I haven't watched it for years but people often talk about how that film traumatised them as children :lol:

I'm liking what I'm hearing though.
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I don't know what to make of that topic but probably should drop Forgotten Woods, for no matter how often their discography is mentioned as the 100 miles under the radar jewel of the Norwegian nineties, it'll always be true asf. The super matte sound with belly-forward bass of The Curse of Mankind is a helluva strong artistic statement imo