i get some problems hooking up my effects together on the Dual recto head, i sometimes getting this high pitched "wooooooo" sound out of the amp when i connect my fx in the fx loop..
anyway, this is what i want to hook up together :
Crybaby 535Q
Boss Noise gate (NS2)
Ibanez TS9
Boss Chorus (CH-1)
Boss Delay (DD-3)
Amp : Mesa Dual Recto 3CH version..
i need to know the order that ill have to put them in aswell and what goes to the fx etc..
sorry bout the noob question haha
Thanks helpers!!

i get some problems hooking up my effects together on the Dual recto head, i sometimes getting this high pitched "wooooooo" sound out of the amp when i connect my fx in the fx loop..
anyway, this is what i want to hook up together :
Crybaby 535Q
Boss Noise gate (NS2)
Ibanez TS9
Boss Chorus (CH-1)
Boss Delay (DD-3)
Amp : Mesa Dual Recto 3CH version..
i need to know the order that ill have to put them in aswell and what goes to the fx etc..
sorry bout the noob question haha
Thanks helpers!!