

The Great Dismay
I don't post here often, but now I just had to ask you people. What do you think of the bass & drums on Morningrise? I think they are briliant! Nordin/DeFarfalla did amazing job, if Mike is reading this, did you write their parts or did they write them all? If I remember correctly, I read somewhere that Mike thinks, that bass on that album was too dominating, but maybe I remember wrong? Well last thing; anyone of you knows what they are doing today, any new bands or projects?
Originally posted by Dreadfallen
I don't post here often, but now I just had to ask you people. What do you think of the bass & drums on Morningrise? I think they are briliant! Nordin/DeFarfalla did amazing job, if Mike is reading this, did you write their parts or did they write them all? If I remember correctly, I read somewhere that Mike thinks, that bass on that album was too dominating, but maybe I remember wrong? Well last thing; anyone of you knows what they are doing today, any new bands or projects?

Farfalla was good I really liked his style ,but his bass playing itself was not perfect,like on morningrise he had quite a few mistakes. His bass playing was sometimes off I that kind of irritated me.Sometimes like when he would do really quick bass lines he kind of struggeled,but yes he had the right idea and over-all he was good! there is no denying that,he had a nice style/technique that blended nicely with the band and thats what I miss.

Nordin was not really that great to be honest.His playing was very accurate but not very complex.What made his drumming sound really good was the fact that it was so prominent in the production of both Orchid and Morningrise.The funny thing is that as good as both farfalla and nordid sounded I wasn't really into the albums from Opeth that they were featured in I prefer the ones with the newer members better.When I first bought Morningrise and Orchid I enjoyed them a lot and I still do but I don't playing as much as I do the Mayh,Still Life,and Blackwater park,I mean don't get me wrong I love both Orchid and Morningrise but I just prefer listnening to last three records more.;)
Drums & Bass for the two early works are captivating and really fitting. But at the same time, the 'Hearse is very much different and I am glad that the D & B progressed through whatever reasons...(yes, I have read the interviews)
The good thing about recorded music is that whenever you want to take a trip into the Nordin/DeFarfalla era, you just slip in the disc and you are taken back to '96 and beyond.
Which I often do. :spin:

It is amazing how much musical depth Opeth have achieved with their albums without resorting to radical style changes and industry trends. But that is why we love 'em.
Yeah, it's good. I guess it depends on what mood I'm in at any given time. The last two albums are so tight and well produced- the bass really doesn't jump out at me at all, while on the earlier work it does seem to be emphasised more.
So far this thread seems to consist mostly of 'oldies' to the forum.... It's like the people who have been here for a while are more prone to comment on Opeth's earlier works, perhaps because they've been aware of Opeth longer? I don't know but it just struck me as interesting and rather unique these days ;)

Not that I was here first, by any stretch of the imagination, but you know what I mean.
Nordins drums are awesome, i dont know if they are skilled or not (although to my ears it seems like Martin is a technically better drummer..), but what he does with the drums is very cool, there's certain parts on Orchid where a guitar riff starts by itself and then the drums come in and take me in a completely unexpected direction, which is very cool.

The bass is good but i dont like the sound so much. It certainly has this cool '3rd guitar' type feel to it... making the two guitar riffs even more amazing/interesting.
You guys are CRAZY !!!!! The first 2 OPETH albums are still the best !! The way Mikael and Peter's guitars are each playing different riffs that combine to make one. Then to add more depth, the bass and drums also play their own thing to create the most interesting music OPETH has created. The last riff at the end of "Nectar" is a great example of what I'm talking about. All 4 members each playing something different ! Sadly, OPETH don't seem to do this anymore....