Norfmentis - Under The Moutains


Dr. uıʌǝʞ
Feb 6, 2005
In a bubbly head.
First, you need to read if you haven't yet.

This is the final version:
Norfmentis - Under The Mountains

I would like to thanks:
Conti, for the Guitars
Korinne (Vergessene_Nacht_88), for her amazing Opera voice.

This is, what we could say the last version, I'll keep it this way and I'll probably use it as a Demo one day. I know there's some mistake, but I don't really care for a first reccording, I'll concentrate on others and try to improve each time, it was a great experience and thanks to all who gave me intelligent feedback (I don't think anyone posted stupidity tho) that will really help me for my Musical continuation :D

I would also like to thanks my mom, my father, who were always...

*Being kicked in the ass*
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It sounds awesome up to 0:44, then it gets kinda wierd for my personal tastes. Not bad, but just strange. Props nonetheless. :headbang:
that is pretty cool... imo would be nicer if your keyboard stuff have some more folk-ish sound, hard to explain... but good nonetheless!

keep the good work!