So here's the deal, I've been recording the raw ddrum trigger signal (xlr into firepod) for kick snare and toms. I originally wasn't really able to get any of them to properly trigger with drumagog, so I switched to Aptrigga2 which really is tons easier to use.
The toms are pretty simple to get to sound like the performance, but on the kick and snare - I'm having some problems getting it to trigger evenly. I'm assuming the problem is inconsistency of volume (especially on really quick blasts/runs). I have been able to go in and automate sensitivity on Aptrigga2 so that on the more quiet parts, it triggers correctly, but I'm thinking there may be a more simple solution.
Do you guys have any recommendation on what I could apply to the trigger track to pretty much even out the hits so that I can more or less just find the sweet spot in Aptrigga2 and leave it alone? I've read about boosting the EQ in the space the trigger hit is most present, but thought I'd get your guys' feedback.
The toms are pretty simple to get to sound like the performance, but on the kick and snare - I'm having some problems getting it to trigger evenly. I'm assuming the problem is inconsistency of volume (especially on really quick blasts/runs). I have been able to go in and automate sensitivity on Aptrigga2 so that on the more quiet parts, it triggers correctly, but I'm thinking there may be a more simple solution.
Do you guys have any recommendation on what I could apply to the trigger track to pretty much even out the hits so that I can more or less just find the sweet spot in Aptrigga2 and leave it alone? I've read about boosting the EQ in the space the trigger hit is most present, but thought I'd get your guys' feedback.