Normals do not understand Nationalism


Apr 17, 2005
The normals do not understand.

Originally Posted by spidergoat
See the American flags and ribbons on everyone's car? That's nationalism.

This is totally weird. People either have no idea, or have been brainwashed into thinking it doesn't exist. What do they think "patriotism" is then?
But see, the problem you have with American Nationalism, is that it crosses racial borders. You see nationalism as not just national, but racial as well. So again, it comes down to race for you.
I actually think America is turning towards fascism. Not only do we have the ultra-patriotism, but we have a pathetic ham-strung press, almost corporate control of our lives, and fewer and fewer rights. It wouldnt take much honestly.
speed said:
I actually think America is turning towards fascism. Not only do we have the ultra-patriotism, but we have a pathetic ham-strung press, almost corporate control of our lives, and fewer and fewer rights. It wouldnt take much honestly.

Just wait until they make you get an RFID(Radio frequency Identification) impanted under your skin, then they will have all the control. KNow who you are, what you buy, how often, where you visit the most, etc.
Some people already has them. The first use was for products, as an anti theft device, so when you moved the product on the shelf, a hidden camera takes your photo, and when its near the exit, it takes another photo, and sees if you bought the product. Now they put them in pets, to identify, and some people have them, for medical and other things. Even some prisioners have them.
For example Gillette uses them. In big stores like walmart, k mart, target etc.
I have seen reports done on fingerprint scanners at the DMV in some places in the USA. I don't think that is necessary at all for a licence.
And being a Canadian, I am bombarded with American ideologies, news, and other things. Which is why I know so much about why I don't like America(as a whole). Americans, for the most part, are fine, but its when they get together for something, that shit seems to hit the fan. Usually lead by people who know how to manipulate people's opinions.

CNN, is probbably the worst, because it seems to be a figurehead for the american government. Just today I saw a segment called The Situation Room. I think they are trying to get the public comfortable with the Idea of a constant millitary presence.

People tend to forget, its not arabs who do those horrible things

It is PEOPLE who do those horrible things. Terrorism is used by all races.
Silver Incubus said:
Terrorism is used by all races.
this is the major point i was making...

the us media and government have thus far been successful in fooling the public into thinking terrorism via guerilla warfare is solely perpetrated by islamic nationalists from or working in concert with iraq, iran, afghanistan, etc...
You guys are very idealistic. When was the last time we had a terrorist attack by non-muslim extremists? What is the ratio of attacks by muslims vs non-muslims?
Iridium said:
You guys are very idealistic. When was the last time we had a terrorist attack by non-muslim extremists? What is the ratio of attacks by muslims vs non-muslims?

Timothy McVeigh, the Unabomber. But I agree with you.
(Edit: In reply to Silent Song)

No, but then again atheist ideology doesn't really have anything equivalent to the concept of "jihad," and such an incident (if it took place) would likely be isolated and unrelated to religion. If atheism had as one of its tenets belief in the justification of attacking through any means possible those with alternate beliefs, then yes, atheists as a group should become highly suspect.

I guess the problem is that you can't look at someone and tell whether that person is simply a Muslim, or a Muslim who holds extremist beliefs. So it's either unfair profiling or the possibility of more terrorist attacks. I agree that racial profiling isn't fair, but there are quite a few other things in this world that aren't fair either, and not all of them get this same political-correctness-charged publicity. At some point things have to pass beyond the interest of individuals and look at what's safest for the nation.
Silent Song said:
why are recent events any reason to target these groups of people. if an atheist blew up a building, should we condemn all atheists?

If an atheist blew up a building and claimed that he did it in the name of not believing in God (as idiotic as that would be), I think his sanity would be suspect, since atheism is a negative belief - it does not have any requirements or beliefs except for not believing in god. Muslim terrorists claim "holy war" every time they kill someone - that is Islamic terrorism. Nobody is condeming all Muslims - however, a Muslim has a higher change of being a terrorist than a non-Muslim.
10293847 said:
But see, the problem you have with American Nationalism, is that it crosses racial borders. You see nationalism as not just national, but racial as well. So again, it comes down to race for you.

It's racial and tribal, including caste. America is more "racial" because we aren't of a single tribe, so we normally settle on "white," which I oppose because it includes Slavs, Italians and the Irish.
Iridium said:
You guys are very idealistic. When was the last time we had a terrorist attack by non-muslim extremists? What is the ratio of attacks by muslims vs non-muslims?

Yes, but if we're responsible for crushing Muslim interests, that would make sense, wouldn't it?

In other words: what the hell has Israel ever done for us except get us attacked?