Hi everyone, Yannick told me about this group so i thought i'd jump in to elucidate some of the mysteries of this design ( place dramatic music here

First, a huge credit goes to Yannick in his achievement in rendering this design i made. This design was truly a carpenter nightmare and it could have been a disaster in the wrong hands. That clearly shows that it's worth every minutes of work when you take your time to do it right.
Thanks for all your comments/concerns, it's great to know my work is appreciated. But these are only pictures... you should hear how it sound !
Now for the technical stuff. The "rear wall close to the speaker" issue would be a justified concern if it was indeed a wall. First yannick speakers are front ported, second SBIR is greatly reduce by the use of the rear broadbands slats. SBIR will always occur no matter how far from the rear wall speakers are located, it will only happen at different frequency varying with distance. Frequency at which the slats are tuned for. Just for the records there is space varying from 16" to 42" behind those slats. The original design was for soffit speakers. And it is still possible do do so. We opted for stand mounted because yannick was not settled on which speaker he would use.
As for the mixing position not being in the middle of the room issue. As a rule of thumb the middle of any room is just about the worst place one could place his/hers listening position. First node is located there. That being said, in some situations it could work, that what's making sound design so complicated, there is just so many variable.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Eric Arbour