Started the new year with a studio fixer-upper


Metal from the Heartland
Jun 28, 2007
Topeka, KS
Hi guys:
Thought I would take a minute to post a few pics of my studio upgrade. My room is pretty small (about 8X15) and had some old treatment (which i took down before thinking of snapping pics), so I had a couple days between projects and thought it was time for a little renovation work.

Here is the room i was starting with - ugly yellow walls and not much vibe...

Here is the back corner which would become the vocal booth. I had to remove part of a wall as you can see (no worries...not load-bearing).

I decided to go with a silver/gray color for the top half of the walls (and the complete wall behind my monitors) that would coordinate with the charcoal color of the new acoustic treatment, plus it's a relaxing color.

I put up beadboard and trim for the bottoms of the side walls to give the room a little upscale feel, plus it livens up the sound just a bit.

Here is the finished product from the back of the room (except I hadn't tamed all the cables running behind the desk yet). I have not had a chance to recover my bass traps to match yet, but i have a charcoal colored fabric for them.

Here is the new vocal booth. I really like this. It's abotu 3.5 feet wide by 5 feet long and keeps about 90 to 95% of the noise out (my HVAC unit is right next to it, so I had to really work to get it that quiet) and it's nice and dead.

And here is the outside wall where i keep my guitars.

Not as fancy as a lot of rooms here, but just wanted to share my work, hope you dig it!
nothing cooler than hanging guitars on the walls in the whole wide world!

it just makes people go "whoooo.... cool man!"