Norvegian or Swedish

Swedish!! Because Sweden offer wider and more verying metal then Norway that seems too almost only offer black metal, and most of that black metal sucks! Even in just the black metal scen Sweden is better IMO
coming from a little swedish fucker
you know i find norwegian metal ten times better than swedish.
and btw the Death Metal scene is starting to grow here
Originally posted by CorpseDust
coming from a little swedish fucker
you know i find norwegian metal ten times better than swedish.
and btw the Death Metal scene is starting to grow here

...and that comes from a prejudice norweigian fucker :p
Seriosly..I sayd IMO (IN MY OPINION), everybody got diffrent taste..I got friends who are nuts about norweigian metal (mostly black ofcoure) so I hear that stuff all the time..but I just don´t find it that good. Its MY taste so in my opinion swedish metal is better, is it ok with you?

i really like norwegian acts, esp. experimental, but swedish scene is bigger and stronger. thay have great old school death metal bands, melodic death, grind and black... yep, swedish metal beats norwegian...
Originally posted by CorpseDust

and btw the Death Metal scene is starting to grow here

i just wonder WHY? it's trend i think, because when i was young only Cadaver and DT on first album played death metal. now, Blood Red Throne, Aeternus, Gehenna and many other bands... it's not bad, but i think that bands like Gehenna or Aeternus should stay with roots, not turn to death...
Originally posted by Eldzik
i just wonder WHY? it's trend i think, because when i was young only Cadaver and DT on first album played death metal. now, Blood Red Throne, Aeternus, Gehenna and many other bands... it's not bad, but i think that bands like Gehenna or Aeternus should stay with roots, not turn to death...
I agree about Gehenna, I want a classic like "Seen Through The Veils Of Darkness" again!
Originally posted by MadTinus
I agree about Gehenna, I want a classic like "Seen Through The Veils Of Darkness" again!

I don't think that it would serve anything for them to release another similar album with their earlier albums. They released two exceptional albums of melodic/atmospheric black metal and I totally understand their need for a change. Maybe they thought they've exhausted their potential in that particular field. And I don't believe changing their style in a more death metal approach is a matter of trends when you think that bands like Dimmu Borgir do much worse something similat what Gehenna did in their first two album perfectly, and know great success... But that's just my opinion...