Not a music thread - need a flatmate?


Gimmee Caffeine
Jun 4, 2002
A building somewhere in Sydney
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This thread isn't musically related .... but I am getting desperate here :/

Basically - I need to find somewhere to live by the beginning of next month when the current lease runs out.

I got the toys (widescreen tv, stereo, computer, free net connection, etc) so I can contribute something :)

The thing making it hard to find somewhere is that the person I was living with took off without bothering to take their dog with them. I must be a softy at heart or something coz I have grown to like it and don't wanna get rid of it :cry:

So if anyone here knows of a place that needs someone to move in, and dont mind a dog running around outside (it is used to not being allowed in the house) then please let me know!

Oh yeah - I currently live in Homebush Bay and work in Surry Hills. So as long as the place is within the Sydney Metro area....