not doing anything all day long


vic firth 2b
Apr 24, 2008
i think this is jonas' favorite lyrical concept

quiet world

point me out if i missed any other tracks which deal with it

i really think jonas has the ability to present that "issue" (which i know pretty well btw, im now in a 6 months period between high school and army) in a VERY depressive way.

you know the feeling when you tell yourself, for example "ok im gonna get a job now" and then u think "nah i dont REALLY have to so ill do it tomorrow" and end up just wasting so many days doing nothing, except going out with friends in almost every night but always doing the same things over and over again.. going around the neighbourhood just talking or driving to sit on some beer or something in a shithole youve been to a thousand times before.

im not in any way depressed, but im just living my life without any clear goals just waiting for the damn army you know and i think the lack of change and anything special can really suck at times, and the thing is army will probably suck even more :)

shit i wrote a lot what do u think?
quiet world was written by blakkie ;)

It is a very good subject to relate to. During depressions this behaviour can be quite extreme but as you say its also something that.. just happens. I spend almost ALL of my holidays where I wasn't forced to go on vacations with parents (the joys of youth..) doing nothing at all. Procrastinating everything. Its cool for a while but sooner or later I find it drags one really down.
happy to see I'm not alone in this case...cauz of changing of school orientation, I've nothing to do until september 2009 [I hope]... it's quite ok for the moment, but I don't know how it'll be in a few weeks or months :erk:
i thought only jonas is capable of writing such sad lyrics... im afraid he plagued blakkheim with depression :(
Quiet world was the sound track to the last year of my degree. 4 hours or school and 8 hours of work a week left me with a lot of free time. It's sad to think how many hours I spent siting in my room staring at the wall. The one thing worse than doing nothing during a gap in your life, is doing nothing with no foreseeable end.
Spend more of your free time getting krvnk up in da club with some of your favorite hoes. I recommend using your time in such a fashion to everyone; Blakkkkkkheim and Jonas included!

I know the feeling though... I've gone from not having ANY days off (I'm a full time graduate student and have a full time managerial job, and have had such a schedule for the last 6 years), to having 3 days off a week where I'm supposed to be finishing up my internship projects and reports from home, but wind up surfing internets aimlessly all day. It does not take long before I begin clawing at my own flesh. I believe that more than one day a week free with nowhere to be will lead to one or more of the following scenarios:

Doing too many hoes in the butt in da club and getting AIDS.
Developing a severe case of alcoholism.
Gaining 200lbs from grazing all day.
Ah, yeah, shit, this subject. I guess we've all been having these days now and then or more often than that. After all this is an internet message-board.

I hate those procastination periods. They can be avoided tho by actually having something you have to do, its usually the best way. So much for living free, hah.
^^ :D

Anyway, I've had some of those days occasionally, but never for a longer period of time. When I was still living with my parents and finished a job, I went to the city to look for CD's or whatever on my first day off and when I told my dad he got so pissed at me for going into the city for no particular reason instead of going to employment agencies to look for a new job. He was right, so after one month at home I had a new job.

I do know the feeling though and it makes you feel so useless at the end of such a day..
Yesterday I didnt do anything at all... that was totally from arse. Tried to call all the names on my phone trough but everyone was doing something else. Couldn't go drinking with friends neither since I dont have any money atm. And I dont like loaning money