Not for the weak...

well i can't play at all for about 2 months. basically, i fell... sticking out my left hand... and it snapped my finger.
Looks quite gnarly, if that was me the temptation would be there to fiddle with the metal bits all the time, having some foreign object sticking out of you must carry that temptation.
well i ony got to see those bits for that few minutes... before that i had a splint which covered them, and right after they put a hard cast on that hand, so i don't have the option.
Öwen;8616987 said:
fiddle with the metal bits...

I can only recommend to be VERY careful with that. I once pulled such a thing out of my foot, planted an infection and visited the other side some time later ......
HOW THE FUCK does this happen? :OMG:

You fall off a roof. While you're trying to grab a hold of something, your ring (on your ring finger) gets caught. The weight of your body pulls that shit right off.(or the better 1/2 of it) The rest is a story about a nub that died. RIP finger. :lol:
thats gnarly James! Looks fairly clean and well done to me, so you should be good :)

I have a big ass scar from my surgery but nothing like a staple sticking out of it haha

Here I was expecting gore and guts and stuff and this is all I get? ALL I GET!?!? Haha just kiddin', it doesn't look too bad. Next time you fall, don't stick anything out, just fall straight to the ground! And don't forget to listen for the "boom" which Pro Tools lacks. :D