Not really sure what I am looking for...

Jan 11, 2008
I've been in a major slump in finding bands I really like lately. I just can't seem to find a certain genre I really like.

One thing I have noticed is that vocals mean quite a bit to me.. I just can't get in to the Cannibal Corpse and/or Nile styled vocals. I am also not a fan of many clean vocals, they usually turn me off when they begin. One exception to this is Opeth, their cleans never cease to amaze me. My favourite vocalists today are Mikael Akerfeldt, Johan Hegg and Paul Kuhr... Mainly low death vocals.

I also can't get in to any sort of black metal for some reason, the only black metal that really ever did anything for me was a bit of some classic Cradle of Filth (who are nothing but garbage today) and Dimmu's "For All Tid".

Something I enjoy but have never been able to find something like are the leads from any of Bodom's albums pre-Hate Crew Deathroll. Kind of happy riffs I guess?

Apart from that I love basically anything by Opeth, though some of their stuff is obviously played on and just too long sometimes. I absolutely love basically anything by Bloodbath, whether it be Akerfeldts vocals or Tagtrens. On that note I love Tagtrens screams in Bloodbath but I can't really get in to any Hypocrisy. As I mentioned Johan Hegg as a favorite vocalist, Amon Amarth is another one of my favorite bands. I could put With Oden on our Side on repeat.

Another band that I recently found and enjoy is Quo Vadis.

All that said I look at alot of recommendation threads and check in to alot of bands, I just can't find much I really love. I feel kind of stuck in a shitty spot with my music because as I said I don't like hard rockish vocals, black metal screams don't do much for me, and many death metal bands (even with good vocals) don't do it for me. (Bands similar to Bloodbath like Grave, My Own Grave etc. don't do anything for me.)

Is there any hope?
Like I said, clean vocals just turn me off.
The only non-metal band I can honestly say I enjoy is Tool.
Notorius BIG ain't bad sometimes to if I am in the mood. haha
so pretty much just Death Metal/Melodic Death Metal then?

I have realised that and I look for many death and melodic death bands and like I said I just can't seem to find (m)any I like.

There was a point when I first got in to metal I loved In Flames. Their old stuff I still find awesome but just not the same..
I liked Soilwork alot for some reason but I can't listen to them at all now lol.
Hypocrisy's The Forth Dimension probably has the vocals most like what you're after, out of all their albums (check out "Mind Corruption" and "Reincarnation")
Alright. I have Hypocrisy's discography so it shouldn't be too hard to check them out. That said I will look in to basically every rec someone can give me in this thread and I will let you know what I think of it.
Problem is I have to go to a Baccalaureate in like an hour because I graduate this year. And after that I am going to a city about 2 hours away where I will be going to university next year to check out the house me and 4 other guys bought.

But I will get to it! :D

I checked out Vader before and I thought it was alright but it never really left it's mark. I'll be sure to listen in to it further later tonight.
skinless' latest.

I recommend skinless in every rec thread because my theory is that everyone loves them but hasn't realized it yet.

you might also like swallow the sun, it's doom-death with vocals I think you'd enjoy

and I know what you mean about vader...
EDIT: Super Ninja'd.

:lol: Basically you don't want any metal but you want some metal.

Erm. Try Vader maybe. His growls are different and understandable. Arch Enemy. Maybe bolt thrower. Dan Swano's solo project. Grave, Unleashed and other old school death is not deep deep growls and they're pretty understandable. Athiest?
Lamb of God? :lol:
Oh yeah. And maybe early Deicide. on new deicide he sounds very Nile/Cannibal Corpse-ish but on the old stuff he's ace.
check out Svartsot. They're heavily 'folky' in melody/style, but I'm here trying to think of things without BM or clean vocals, so yea... gotta get a little quirky.
actually bolt thrower is a good rec, I think you'd like them

oh, and in case you somehow haven't heard them, morbid angel. awesome vocals on the first 4.
I liked Lamb of God at one point yes... Their song structure doesn't do it for me anymore. Kind of boring.
Bolt Thrower I have looked in to but I will look into it further when I get the time later.

Go Forth and Die, your rec on Swano was right on the money. I love Moontower, forgot to mention that one!
And when I said I don't like anything black metal I kind of lied, Nightwork and Death's Design (Diabolical Masquerade) are pretty sick.
Alot of my music tastes involved Bloodbath's members. :S haha

Arch Enemy I used to like too, but kind of migrated away from it. I'll have to try and renew my liking to them!

I have looked in to Deicide, Morbid Angel, Atheist, a small amount of Skinless and also Bolt Thrower, but I'll have to look in to them further later tonight.

The couple songs I listened to by Morbid Angel seemed like I could get to like them so I am going to hop on them later.

Another band I forgot to mention is Ensiferum. I love them but that is basically as far as I go with folk stuff.
Now thinking about this got me thinking. Wierdly enough I love Behemoth's "Demigod" and "The Apostasy".

Kind of walked into a record store never hearing Behemoth before, saw the Demigod cover, bought it and loved it.

I also have a pretty extensive metal library, with about 40 gigabytes worth, just I always seem to come right back to the above mentioned bands I love.
(Yes I do download music, yes I do buy alot of CD's.)
check ya PMs

back to the thread:

mid-era Dark Tranquillity?
early Kataklysm?

Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - All You Need Is Love?
Thanks for the recs in your PM, I am going to look in to all of those. (Minus the ones I have already heard, and love.)

I see you have EoS in there. I listened to Crimson II before and while I loved the vocals and some of the riffs, the music just didn't feel like it was going anywhere..
Maybe try Dark Tranquillity, Kalmah, Eternal Tears of Sorrow (older stuff). They're all really melodic death metal bands.

Have you heard any old Amorphis (ala The Karelian Isthmus era)?