Not really Tad Morose but related...

Urban breed

Nov 18, 2003
I just put up a tiny snippet of a song at .
It's the first thing I ever record in Swedish. Be the first to check it out.
...and let me know if you'll be interested in hearing the rest.
Oh, and to keep you from those too high expectations's a traditional
Christmas song. ( Sweden it is anyway). :)
I couldn't care less for x-mess songs but since I'm always interested in anything swedish-related I downloaded it anyway ;) Too bad I don't know the original version, would be interesting to hear/know the difference. Is the title of the original "Bethlehems stjärna"? If so....did you alter the lyric? I was looking for the lyric and you seem to sing something else there, hehe.
Yes, it would be 'Betlehems Stjärna' or as some people refer to it, by the first line, 'Gläns över sjö och strand'. No, I didn't alter the lyrics but you may not have recognized that the snippet was not from the beginning. I simply picked the part where I plan not to have any guitars. So that what you got to hear would be as close to the final version as possible. (Except that a fretless bass is missing). If you hunt for a sample of the so called original you will most likely end up with something set to music by Alice Tegnér. I, however based my arrangement on Ivar Widén's version. The lyrics first appeared in the novel 'Vapensmeden' by Viktor Rydberg.
Thanks for clearing that up. I was obviously reading the lyric for another song with the same name then. Now found something about it here . The site has some not-so-nice-sounding midi files as well (instrumental though)