"not so well liked songs" appreciation thread

my least favourite is actually midway through infinity... a washed-up attempt at a shadow duet reprise in my humble opinion. maybe it would be memorable if it was written by in flames, but by dt standards i just find it a filler.

There was this one guy on the Ezboard (or on the forum before that), who liked Dissolution Factor Red. I for one can't see why anyone could like that song - the same goes for My Faeryland Forgotten.

And I definitely think Fabric is overrated - on some "best song from Haven" -poll it was higher than such excellent songs like The Wonders at Your Feet, Haven and Rundown.

Still moving sinews is awesome...the solo part is wonderful!

a song i don't like as much as the other dt songs is feast of burden.

Silentjohan(soon to be flamed?:) )
Unfurled By Dawn. I don't care how bad the production is on that song, I think it's freakin awesome.

But as for the "regular" songs, I'm still partial to Insanity's Cresendo, because that was the song that not only introduced me to Dark Tranquillity, but the whole Swedish Metal scene.
OK, in my opinion, Fabric is indeed, the best song from Haven, (and I really like Haven).

And the most underrated tune, at risk of having my butt kicked all over the place for this, is, in my opinion, Therein. That is the first tune by them that I really liked.