Not sure if it belongs in this forum... but just an idea


Jul 12, 2010
Drøbak, Norway
I'm sitting here drinking a little with some buddies of mine who are also guitar players. And we started thinking about the future of music production. And as things are starting to move more and more digital it seems that there is less need for hardware. But then one of my friends started talking about how lame studios are going to look like if it keeps going this direction. So then this idea I had got brought up. And this might actually already exist.

Has anyone thought about selling fake hardware just for decorations? Like I'm talking about like guitar cabs without speakers in them or just the shells of amps? I mean it might be the whiskey talking here, but that would be kind of cool to decorate and entire studio with fake gear just for decoration since there is less need for hardware. Thoughts?
Funk logic did a series of fake rack gear,

only found out about these recently as a good friend of mine put one in the college studio he runs. New kids are always keen to hear what it does until they realize its plastic!

He installed this one.

- Control Range
Comporator -"Squishen" to "Biggen"
Tuberator -"Frosty" to "Pop!"
Vintagerator -"Ugh" to "1001001"