not that many people vote on polls.

how come not that many people vote on polls?

  • they don't know how

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • they'e lazy

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • they feel their vote won't make a difference

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • they have he same problem I do, where they can only vote at their work computer and not their home c

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • this thread makes no sense

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
that's because he's afraid THE GAY will creep into our country. He should accept immigrants with AIDS from Namibia, though, because there are no homosexuals in Namibia. President Nujoma said so.
this is really weird: it is technically (and federally mind you) illegal to tell someone that they can't get into the US if they have HIV (Because there are a few ways around that, including pleading for asylum) but recently the visa applications state: IF YOU TEST HIV POSITIVE AT YOUR MEDICAL SCREENING YOU WILL BE DENIED A VISA.

because the US has way more access to newer HIV medications, believe it or not. and in places like NYC, there are programs like ADAP that pay for all of your medication and medical treatment if you are HIV positive. (massachusetts has masshealth)
not, not all of them (states down south suck) but most AIDS service organizations will find a way to get someone in the US their medication whether it's through a drug trial or something or other.
i mean, there are glitches. sometimes people get cutoff of their private insurance illegally and can't get their medication for a week. AIDS drug cocktails lose their effectiveness if you stop taking them even for one day. so then the patient has to start another, which can kill a person or be debilitating. and also, homeless people, non-english speaking people, and the elderly often dont get the right medication because they have no idea that AIDS service organizations exist (often state government programs don't refer patients properly to non-profits) so yea, there are *some* people here dying without their meds. but most are getting help from medicare/medicaid with all it's pitfalls.
The Thing with the presidential vote is that its kind of too important to fuck around with, like its true that dem. and rep. are getting closer and closer together (except 2004 my boy kerry is gonna run, he's gonna shit on the rep.) but, I think that the third party thing needs to start small, we have 1 ind. gov. and 1 ind. senator, don't shoot for prez and get a baboon conservative in office when you can at least get some one whose not retarded. Of allt he relatively large third party groups the only one that I can agree witht is the green party, but if they get to hippy enviromentalis ton me im jsut gonna vote dem. Finally, libertarion party= dumb, you have to govern it just doesn't work, your like a 19th century liberal except not as profit minded. I mean the idea is to let anyone own a gun, anyone can drive etc. that means fuckin 12 eyar odls can smoke crakc hope in a porche and drive buy some old ladies with bazookas.
Your boy John Kerry? bleh, I fucking hate ex-military Presidents. war war war.

There's been other I governors. Weicker, of CT, was from the "Connecticut Now" party or some shit.

Yes, the Libertarian Party is dumb as shit. They're like Republicans, but more consistent, so I do respect them more. But seriously, I think all-private police forces and firefighting squads is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
well, if you think about it (referring to the x-military presidents comment) the people NOW in office who are gung ho for war are the ones who DIDNT serve in a war. funny isn't it? the ones who are most against it (gore included in this) or at least adverse to jumping into it without thought are the ones who actually saw war and were part of a war.... kerry actually knows my uncle quite well and is very against war and has talked to my dad at length about it (my dad was in vietnam, runs an independent from the government style VFW and is part of a group called vietnam veterans against the war) so yea, i mean, it's totally like, maybe at least have someone who's BEEN there. i'm not saying at all that all x-military government figures are GOOD, but i mean, they're definitely not bad. Kerry is at least a really honestly caring individual with some real life experience.

i won't pretend, on another note, to really know much about the libertarian party. i just know that i had a physics professor who was a libertarian and he was always talking conspiracy theories and it turned me off to it. but maybe i will read up on it. i don't tend to say things are outright 'stupid' though because you know, i'm not exactly that smart either.
that guy is so unbelievably unfunny..

like Sinbad without a color jumpsuit and eraser haircut.

And his head is oblong and doesn't seem to be made for his body.
Originally posted by avi
the most famous libertarian in the public eye is probably Bill Mahler from Politically Incorrect

...who i hate... (i just think he is an pumpus prick)

i guess i'm more of a jeffersonian... but, libertarian is the closest a party has gotten to that.

preppy... basicly think of small government, and very few laws.
(nutshell summary)