Reggies is a pretty nice venue. Friendly staff, decent sound, cool record shop upstairs. You guys will likely have a great show there. I won't talk about our show since your douchebag temp moderator will likely shut down the thread if I do. But yeah, nice venue...


John, we're home now, so our moderator will step back and we will take over the content ourselves again. We ask this of the moderator when we're out of town to control the trolls, and it's easier to keep things ND related while we're away. Feel free to talk about your experience in a new thread if you wish, as I'm sure everyone wants to hear about how it went.

And for the record... The moderator account is sometimes handled by more than one person. This trip, my wife being being one of them. Calling my wife a "douchebag" will get you knocked the fuck out, friend or not.
Sorry guys. The date change was due to a conflict on the 21st with an all day death metal fest featuring Suffocation, Dying Fetus, and many others. 2 metal shows in the city on the same night would hurt both turn outs, so it was either compete and both shows would suffer, or move it a week and both shows will have the best turn out they can.

We know Reggie's well, and no doubt it will work for this lineup.
Diabolik, I'll make this clear to everyone here. WHOEVER is moderating for us, while we are away on tour, has explicit instructions on how to moderate. If a thread goes off topic, and is NOT ND related, it's to be deleted. Period. We do this when we can't check the forums every day, to stop any spamming, or trolling. You guys never see the garbage posts, because we moderate everyday, and we're on top of deleting the garbage. It's one of the reasons we haven't had the same problems as other forums here.

SO, when I tell my wife something like "Delete all posts NON ND related, NO EXCEPTIONS until we get home" she does so without prejudice. If your thread started talking about the Agalloch show, then you hijacked this thread, and she removed it. When we're home, we decide what to allow, and something like this would most likely be kept, but to eliminate any possible issues, the moderator is told what to do. This was posted clearly in the sticky thread.

Next time, start a separate thread about something like that, and it shouldn't be an issue.
I saw this morning that my post was deleted as well. It was in response to Diabolik's post, so I quickly realized why it was done, and precisely for the reasons that Paul stated. Not a big deal folks! Rules are made for a reason and I think ND is actually pretty tolerant of most posts on here.

To keep on topic, I'm anxious to hear about the other acts to be added to the show as well. This is surely one of the best local gigs to be announced for the remainder of the year. Woot! :)
Last time we played Missouri was probably around 2002. Basically it comes down to us playing places where the interest is, particularly from promoters. If we can't find any promoters in your area that are interested in working with us, then it's a whole lot less likely that we'll be playing there any time soon. So really, as I always tell people when this question arises, the best thing people can do is let their local promoters and venues know that you want to see us play there. If a promoter knows that there's local interest then it's more likely that they'll take the gamble. If they don't know that anyone there cares to come and see us, then they'll likely take a pass.
I don't remember ever seeing Missouri on any band tour dates XD

I know that I pick the most random times to come out of lurker mode, but ...

There seems to be some promoters in the KC area who have been pretty active recently and drawing, at least, power metal acts to the area. Here's one of their efforts:

If I remember correctly, some of those promoters are in the ProgPower crowd. You could try to track them down and get them interested in ND.

Wow first im hearing of this tour! I'll be there and looking forward to checking out Reggies. I was planning on going to see Agalloch there but my bachelor party fell on the same day.