Well...I see most of people here like Blue more than Materia, but I think on Blue there are no songs like Nothijngrad, Promise, Verne and Aquamarine for instance.
Anyway, I would also like to say that I start to like Materia after six or seven listening, so there is time left for Blue to grow up on me, because all songs are good, but can't find any stand-out song yet, except maybe Bluecracy.
And for the cover....really nice one, but I think nothing can top Materia cover and pictures inside the booklet
And yes, I can understand that 'noise thing' that someone said before, I thought the same thing, that production could be cleaner( it is very loud, but not clear production ),same for Materia, but on the other hand that is something why Blue and Materia are so special about...noisy yet beautiful atmosphere they manage to create with that production...like you are floating all the time while listening, so don't take that as a bad thing, more like a compliment
Well...for now thats all, I am going to explore more on a new album, and hopefully come back soon with even more good things to say about...b.t.w, does anyone else thinks that Nothijngrad is one of the best songs Novembre has done?