Novembre - The Blue

It's funny cause I remember thinking that FoaBP seemed a little... I dunno... incomplete? Sleep Together didn't seem like the best possible finishing track in PT history (especially after tracks like Feel So Low and Collapse The Light...). But now it all makes sense! What Happens Now is what was missing! Hurrah!

Don't get me wrong, FoaBP was still awesome, but this is a great companion EP...

Well...I see most of people here like Blue more than Materia, but I think on Blue there are no songs like Nothijngrad, Promise, Verne and Aquamarine for instance.
Anyway, I would also like to say that I start to like Materia after six or seven listening, so there is time left for Blue to grow up on me, because all songs are good, but can't find any stand-out song yet, except maybe Bluecracy.

And for the cover....really nice one, but I think nothing can top Materia cover and pictures inside the booklet :Saint:

And yes, I can understand that 'noise thing' that someone said before, I thought the same thing, that production could be cleaner( it is very loud, but not clear production ),same for Materia, but on the other hand that is something why Blue and Materia are so special about...noisy yet beautiful atmosphere they manage to create with that you are floating all the time while listening, so don't take that as a bad thing, more like a compliment :)

Well...for now thats all, I am going to explore more on a new album, and hopefully come back soon with even more good things to say about...b.t.w, does anyone else thinks that Nothijngrad is one of the best songs Novembre has done? :blush:
Damn, I can't believe EVERYONE seems to think the new album is above Materia. I gave it more listens and came to the conclusion this album just doesn't do it for me...and it most likely never will. 2 songs, and that's it, that I actually can appreciate - Zenith and especially cobalt of march. I deleted the entire album except for the two tracks.

:rolleyes: I guess people like their random growls hehe. There isn't a SINGLE song on the entire album that even comes close to the marvellous song that is JULES, and of course it seems I'm the only one who feels this way. Oh well.

For me, as the album played all I could think about was "when is this going to end" hehe. Sounds harsh, but was tiring me out.

edit: doom_death, haha, you seem to have GOOD taste. Nothijngrad, indeed, is an incredible track. In my top 3 off the album - Jules, Verne and that one. Seriously, Materia is so much more beautiful than Blue and much more organized and well put together on a whole.
Ok, so I decided to download the album... it's interesting. I am very glad that the growls have made a return, I felt on Materia that they had simply decided to drop an aspect of their sound for no particular reason, and I honestly think the album suffered for it...

The first listen... I must admit that I was a lil dissapointed. Im not a fan of wanky solos, one of the things I loved about Classica and Novembrine Waltz was the tasteful solos that continued the melodic ideas of the songs! Then on this we get widdly widdly widdly solos that dont seem to serve any real purpose, and the effects on them can be just... :/. I have listened to it a few more times now, and it is growing on me. My main complaint is that it dosent really seem to flow like the other albums (Materia included), it just seems like a collection of songs?!? Ill give it time before I make up my mind...
Do the two of you who are saying this album is worse than materia have any experience with their earlier albums? Many, many novembre fans I know were disappointed with Materia since it is a lot softer and "catchier" and a lot less complex than their previous albums (with the possible exception of their similarly soft second album, Arte Novecento, but that one had a couple absolutely epic tracks), and as such think the new one is a big step back in the right direction. I liked Materia, but I thought it lacked a lot of the dynamics and contrasts in their previous albums - the vocals especially got really tedious when nearly every single song used his not particularly good, droning clean voice for the entire thing. If you got into them with Materia I could understand the disappointment, but it's really kind of what they are...this album sounds much more like the ones before materia than materia did, and I am relieved. The drumming on materia especially was so disappointing.
I didn't like it. The sound is a chaotic mess imo, and they just lack originality (sorry).
Well, between the three I must say that I like Novembrine Waltz the most... Materia is great, but I think it's funny that it's best track if an out-take from NW.

The comments about originality don't make any sense to me. From the moment I heard them I felt that their sound was rather unique... I mean, as far as gothic doom/death metal can be...

And actually, I don't think it's the sound QUALITY so much as the way it's mixed that makes it sound mucky... I might be wrong, but it sounds to me like the drums are way too high in the mix...


they're talenty, is true...i'm so proud because carmelo and giuseppe are sicilian as me...
i liked most novembrine waltz, their sound is very impressive but i've to say that they miss already somehing....
Exactly. And well...they lack originality NOW.

Classica, NOVEMBRINE WALTZ (this one is incredible) and Classica are great albums.

I don't see how you could say Novembre is not original.......whether it be the new album or Novembrine Waltz, I feel this band is immediately identifiable and unique.

As for the song structures it is not Chaotic, I think it is not the standard verse/chorus thing that any band can do but and that the band intentionally went for something 'different', it is too well thought out to be 'chaotic' to me.
One of very few consistently great bands out there. It's too bad that their North American tour never materialized this year. Novembrine Waltz is just a step above the rest of their albums, and their ability to compose music that is simulataneously beautiful, emotional, and sentimental while not losing an agressive edge is inspiring.
Alright, perhaps they are not completely unoriginal, but in this case it's definitely not a good thing. To me, at least. I'm just pretty stunned how taken everyone is by this album. I mean seriously, when you compare it to NW it's just not in the same league. The new album just doesn't all.

NW had growls in melodic form - perfectly placed, never out of place. On this new album, everytime I hear a growl when I'm not expecting to REALLY frustrates me. It's there just for the heck of it - that's just how it feels like to me. Good instrumental, melodic moment....suddenly...AAARRRRGGHHH.

Season1234: Sorry man, I just can't agree. When listening to this, all I could think about was how NOT well thought out it was.

Oh well, to each their own I guess. This is the biggest disappointment of the year for me.
I really love this band and am looking forward to this release. When I bought materia, I really didnt like it. It took quite a few listens for me but then all of a sudden, I found myself listening to it constantly. Extremely talented band who deserve more recognition.