Alright, perhaps they are not completely unoriginal, but in this case it's definitely not a good thing. To me, at least. I'm just pretty stunned how taken everyone is by this album. I mean seriously, when you compare it to NW it's just not in the same league. The new album just doesn't all.
NW had growls in melodic form - perfectly placed, never out of place. On this new album, everytime I hear a growl when I'm not expecting to REALLY frustrates me. It's there just for the heck of it - that's just how it feels like to me. Good instrumental, melodic moment....suddenly...AAARRRRGGHHH.
Season1234: Sorry man, I just can't agree. When listening to this, all I could think about was how NOT well thought out it was.
Oh well, to each their own I guess. This is the biggest disappointment of the year for me.