Now Eating Thread (Official)

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
in an effort to slow down all the intense action here at RC, i think it's important we spend some time talking about something nice and laid back, like "what the fuck are you eating right now". anything goes. first person who says, "pussy" loses big time. unless theyre telling the truth and then they win.

me: big bowl of rice, black beans, and salsa
Erik said:
i JUST finished eating rice + chili salsa/sauce. that's a pretty wacky coincidence!

now i'm making coffee!
kick ass! especially the coffee part. how many cups are you going for today/tonight/whatever the fuck it is in sweden?
hey, i think i might come over and hang out this weekend. what are you up to?
I had dinner tonight at probably the best Chinese restaurant I've ever been to, and it was a buffet too, so I ate A LOT of really great stuff tonight. It hurts at the moment.
rice with salsa and part of a chile relleno burrito which was approximately 3 times hotter than the surface of the sun so now it's cooling off in my backpack for later

QUESTION: why the hell do they call it kraft dinner in canada? it's macaroni and cheese goddammit
Doom said:
I had dinner tonight at probably the best Chinese restaurant I've ever been to, and it was a buffet too, so I ate A LOT of really great stuff tonight. It hurts at the moment.
man, this sounds so good right now
meh, when you have a baby that gets up around 0545, theres no point in staying up late. it's not like you're going to sleep in. further, there's nothing to do at night anyway.